July 27, 2022
Good Morning Yahweh. It’s a brand new day! I still want to sleep, but I desire to spend time with you. Yesterday I actually looked up the difference between a want and a desire.
Want: to be needy or destitute, to have or feel need, to wish the presence of.
Desire: to long or hope for, conscious impulse towards something that promises satisfaction.
And when in comparison to each other:
I want to go home.
I desire to go home.
I think to a large extent, they are used interchangeably, but “want” when used in this context:
Want can be defined as a simple desire for something that one does not have already.
Desire is a more intense craving for something.
Though I truthfully don’t like when a word is used to define a “contrasting” word. In this case, “desire” is used to define want. I think biblically, different translations use them interchangeably.
Hosea 6:6 (GW) – I want your loyalty, not your sacrifices. I want you to know me, not to give me burnt offerings.
Hosea 6: 6 (KJV) – For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
Hosea 6: 6 (AMP) – For I desire and delight in [steadfast] loyalty [faithfulness in the covenant relationship], rather than sacrifice,
And in the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.Hosea 6: 6 (GNT) – I want your constant love, not your animal sacrifices. I would rather have my people know me than burn offerings to me.
The words translated both to want and desire is:
Chaphets: to delight in, mindful of, attentive to, take pleasure in, to incline to, by implication to bend, favour, move.
Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Yahweh delights in our love. He inclines to our love – leans into. He is moved our love. Huh. The most awesome visual. Yahweh being moved by our love. He’s sitting on his throne and we enter and immediately he sits forward, leans forward to get closer to us – to hear what we have to say.
“Lean into” always gives that feeling of deep interest. When someone leans forward, it’s like, “Yes, I desire more.” And that’s what Yahweh does. He leans unto us and when we also lean into him, there is that intimate connection.
I’m not sure where I am going with this. Yahweh, if I’m just following my own thoughts or yours. But this one thing I know, I desire to be in your presence. To lean into you. To incline my ear to yours. As I go through today, this is my prayer. Yahweh, keep me in your will, in your presence: there is fullness of joy.
Thank you for desiring me, for loving me. For leaning into me. Thank you. I love you. I am on a walk with you. Trusting you. Thank you for where you have placed me. At work, at church, at home. Thank you for a place to learn and earn and to help others. Thank you for a church community. A place where we can worship together. Thank you for a home where I can be at rest.
You ever notice how the devil really attacks you when you consciously decide to do something? Today, I said, I will express thankfulness for everything. On my way to work, I got so many bad drives that I decided to give thanks even more. The first one had me like, wth?!!! Then was like, nope. Gonna worship instead.