Morning Star
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November 30, 2022


Yahweh, I think you’re trying to tell me something: to wait.

I do not know if this refers to one or all of your promises, but I do know that you know best. You are God. You are a great God and I am thankful for the waiting. I may not always like the wait, but I am thankful for it. I am thankful for what you are teaching me. I am thankful for your patience. I am thankful for your mercies. Yahweh, you are truly an amazing God who knows what is best. Thank you for provision. Thank you for your promises of a life in you.

Of a home prepared by you.

Of ministry/ministries led by your word living out in my life.

Yahweh. Thank you. I sound like a broken record, but thank you. I will not rush into the next season, the next step, but I will wait with hope for you and on you. Thank you. It truly makes me smile – a good smile. The similarities between this time last year and now. The admonition to wait, to trust you. To allow you to truly move in my life. But it makes me rejoice: the differences. The lack of despair, the desire to truly follow you. To trust you for everything. To know that you love me. You love me and you care about what happens to me. Thank you for your love and your grace.

Yahweh, show me how to move today. To do your will. To move in love and to honour you in all that I do. I pray for this family, that no matter what we will trust you. Thank you for provision, for your everlasting love and grace. I love you.

Wait on You – Maverick City

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