Morning Star
Spread the love

October 2, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for today. For a new day in you. Thank you for who you are. You have made this day for us to honour you. Everyday is meant to glorify you and to praise you.

Yahweh forgive me. I pray for the grace to remove any  idol from my heart. I do believe that you desire to prosper your children, but forgive me for getting obsessed about it. It’s not the only thing I think of, but I’ll admit that given my current situation, it does come to my thoughts often, the question, “I wonder how? I wonder what I would need to do?” “ I wonder when you will bless me?”

And you are blessing me everyday. You are surprising me everyday. You are providing for me everyday and while I need to live with an expectant hope for your salvation because you without a doubt said that you will me, I have to temper that expectation not with an idea that you won’t work it out, but with the knowledge that you are the one supremely in control and that I need to trust you even when it looks like the world is falling apart.

Yahweh, thank you for your love and creativity. Thank you for using me and for ideas that are so amazingly awesome and blessed that I can’t help but rejoice even in the pain. Use me Yahweh for your will. Help me to grow more and more each day into who you desire me to be. Yahweh, remember this family. Help us to live for you. To let go of any anger, hurt that may be hindering our relationship with you. I pray also for the young adults in the church that they would have that personal relationship with you. That they will remember that a relationship requires that daily, consistent communication with you. I pray for a heart like yours. I pray that we will never give up on what you have called us to do and the desire that you have placed in our hearts. Yahweh today is a significant day for me and you. Seven days of the corporate fast I joined and also twenty-one days of the fast you also called me to. It’s not over, it’s literally one day over the halfway mark. I pray for your continued guidance. For the reversal of fortunes – and while it absolutely includes financial, it also refers to the situations in my life that are not reflective of you. That the choices that I make will be what you require of me. Reversal of anything that separates this family from you. Reversal of the hearts in this household that choose not to follow, that they will reverse and turn back to you.

I pray for the boys. That they will choose you. That they will see beyond their own selfish desires and see you and what you are calling them out of and what you are calling them in to. Help me to forgive Chico. The realisation yesterday that the only desire seems to be to use someone for their own furtherance without any consideration for the person’s well-being was a sobering thought. Help me not to be angry, to hold it against him, but I am laying it at your feet. I pray that the selfishness in his heart would be reversed. Thank you Yahweh for your promises, that you love us and desire what is best for us. Let your will be done. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Romans 5:3-5 – But that’s not all. We also brag when we are suffering. We know that suffering creates endurance, endurance creates character, and character creates confidence. We’re not ashamed to have this confidence, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Yahweh, thank you for the suffering. I smile, even though I hurt, I smile because of the confidence that comes from knowing you and the Spirit that you’ve placed in me. The movement that you have been making. Yesterday was such a powerful move on your side that I just had to move to. I am thankful for the reminder to endure until. Endure doesn’t necessarily mean we will enjoy it, but that we will make it through and your character, your love will shine through us. Thank you for who you are. I love you to you and back.

The shaking continues so that what remains is unshakeable. This morning as I listened while working out some of the logistics of crafting these books, the pastor said those words. This is the third time in two days that the word came. There is a shaking so that what remains will be unshakeable. Yahweh, the only way I will be unshakeable is if I am built on you. Show me how to dig deep into you and who you desire me to be. That as the earth quakes, I will not be moved. I will be firmly fixed and grounded in you. Remove all that is not of you. Purify my heart to seek you and to honour you. On you I build. In you I move. In you I live. Thank you for being my rock, my foundation.

Matthew 7:24 – Therefore, everyone who hears what I say and obeys it will be like a wise person who built a house on rock.


Isaiah 54:10 – The mountains may move, and the hills may shake, but my kindness will never depart from you. My promise  of peace will never change,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

I can’t even highlight this scripture because it’s already highlighted. Yahweh, thank you for your promise to be the rock that I build on.  Thank you for the peace during the shaking. What remains let it be of you in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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