January 26, 2023
3:20 pm : Sitting in my car watching the sea.
So I just came from the grocery. I went to purchase cat food. Yes, my cats are so special they get their own grocery run. I saw someone waiting by the deli counter. A lady was nearer to the back, mopping. I came up to the counter and at that point the lady who was waiting apparently lifted up the front of the glass to take out what they wanted.
All of a sudden, the lady who was mopping sing out, “You can’t lift that up.” and continued mopping. The couple said, “But no one is helping.” and ended up walking away. So I asked what are we supposed to do? The lady said we supposed to ask for help.
Now this is where I debated saying anything when she came to me. Eventually I stated that the couple was there waiting for a while and she only said anything when they lifted up the glass front. She could have asked if they needed anything, but instead she continued mopping – though logically speaking, they lifted up the glass front – obviously, they wanted help.
But on a better note – I went hiking today!! This morning I woke up and literally sent a message in the group that we needed a hike. The site visit today involved a hike for about two hours. You know what I like though? When others can see and understand what the surveyors have to go through and why we need PPE because the thorns they saved us from were no joke. Also thankful for an immediate answered prayer. I wanted a hike and I got one!! But we’re planning another official hike for a couple weeks from now. Should be fun.
8:00 pm : Sitting, delaying going for a shower.
The thing is, I want to shower, but it requires me moving. I’m not in any pain, just feeling lazy. I am thankful for today. For the unplanned hike. Thank you for life. Your grace and amazing love. Thank you for who you are. I love you.
9:03 pm
What am I thankful for?
- We have a profit of $882! This may not seem like much, but it’s more than last month and I am thankful!
- Unexpected hike! Whoohooo!!
- Still trying to figure out how to case the zipper part of the Bible and I saw no tutorials online so I guess…hmmm. I’m definitely relying on Yahweh for guidance.
Thank you for today. I love you.