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September 1, 2022


That was the most unexpected provision. Thank you Yahweh. From the most unexpected place. My sister in law called and asked if I could pick her up from work. I said I have no problems picking her up, but only have enough gas to get there and no monies to put in gas. She said no problem, she will take care of the gasoline. Thank you Yahweh! Thank you for the provision and the encouragement. For making a way where there seemed to be no way.

Stay in the storm. Truthfully I can’t go anywhere. But what I am thankful for is that I desire to stay in the storm. This is not a fun storm. Imma cry at times. I will laugh at times. I will hug my pillows at times but I will also jump for Hallelujah. Because you are my God. You are my King. You are my provider. And you alone are God. You are God alone. All glory and honour. Dominion and power. Forever and ever. Amen.



  1. Crying because the answer is not seen in the physical.
  2. Provision for gasoline for the vehicle.
  3. Isaiah 37-47.
  4. Quiet time with Yahweh. Took the time, parked up at a beach. Yahweh and me.
  5. The most unusual shell at the beach. Honestly wasn’t sure if it was a shell at first when I picked it up, but it is! Black and silver.


Lord you are good and your mercies endure forever. You are an amazing God. You are strong and mighty. Thank you for your saving grace. Thank you for the storm. It’s bad, but you are with me. Help me not to hold ungratefulness in my heart. But to hold onto you. Thank you for loving me. I love you Yahweh.

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