time with Yahweh during the day
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October 26, 2022


I’ve noticed that anytime I’m excited about doing something with my salary, it comes a little later than expected. It’s not actually late though, but it’s later than its usual early. As weird as that sounds. Right now the weather has taken a turn for the worse and we’re under a yellow alert. I think this has been the wettest rainy season that we’ve had in a while.

Be Still my Soul.

Be Still and Know.

Truthfully looking at the mountain of bills that keeps getting taller is depression. Yahweh, I pray that you will work it out, because I am drowning and not able to breathe. I am trusting you. It hurts like crazy right now and I’m not sure if I’m even seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I’ll keep putting one foot in front of the other because I don’t know what else to do but to hope in you. I’m so tired right now though. I’m tempted to just curl up in my bed right now. I’m at work though.


Okay, something weird just happened. The song, “God Will Work it Out” was playing as part of the playlist. The song ended and then started again. I thought that the song was twice in the playlist. It wasn’t. The song started playing again. Without me touching anything on the computer.

Yahweh, thank you for encouraging me. Thank you for your promises. Help me to hold on to you come what may.

I’m saying thank you. Like thank you, thank you. Tears thank you. My aunt just offered me a replacement phone for the one with the cracked screen. Thank you!!!

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