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January 19, 2022


Revelation Is Not The Same Thing As Manifestation

Today’s revelation. I need to be intentional about my relationship with myself. Not just with Yahweh. I was ready to go full speed ahead with plans for others, and literally Yahweh was like. Halt. Just stop. I need to stop focusing on helping others for now. It feels weird to say that, but also thinking about Jesus’ ministry he had to take the time before he went out even though he was anxious to move on. So do I. Take the time. 

It really is a weird sensation, but I am looking forward to what you will teach me. Hey, this is a year of new beginnings. I will wait and I’m also excited about this new facet in this journey. 

To thine ownself be true

Recognition of why Yahweh always sends reminders. Why he repeats his promises to us. I forget too easily. As part of this journey, I am re-reading and revisiting what was written before. So at each moment / study session, I review what I had looked at one week before. Last Wednesday, I had written these very words and today I wrote them again forgetting I had written them last week. The term practice makes permanent comes to mind. It’s not enough to have a revelation, but we need to remember it and implement it when the time is righteous.

2 Corinthians 1: 8,9 – Brothers and sisters, we don’t want you to be ignorant about the suffering  we experienced in the province of Asia. It was so extreme that it was beyond our ability to endure. We even wondered if we could go on living.  In fact we still feel as if we are under a death sentence. But we suffer so that we would stop trusting ourselves and learn to trust God, who brings the dead back to life.

They wanted the brethren to understand what they were going through. It is private but within the environment of sharing testimony. We ought to share our testimony with others. Yahweh forgive me. I am falling asleep and I am so tired I had written “I don’t sleep.”


  1. Discovering that I need to take time for myself.
  2. For having a better understanding of the forest reserve. 
  3. Today I felt my back muscles after the workout.  Still can’t see them but I’m definitely feeling them.
  4. A place to sleep. 

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