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January 11, 2023




A group of us visited another country. It was pretty, down right beautiful. It was mainly my coworkers. Of the group I remember Kee, Jay and Prime. While staying in the house which was by a beach, we realised that we were seeing another house across the way. There was also another community further away that we could not get to without a boat. The house across the bay could be reached by a rope and tire bridge or by walking the coastline which was thin at points. We chose to use the rope and tire bridge. It was a lot of fun. I remember being on the other side but not exactly sure how I got there, but was a bit afraid to use the bridge to come back. There was a lot of back and forth between the two houses for the period. At one point, our group purchased a huge container of condensed milk. But while going through the kitchen, I found another half empty bottle of condensed milk. Also found chocolate covered coffee beans and nuts which I put into a plate with what look like roasted split peas. Jay, Kee and Prime ate out the coffee beans and nuts so I went back for more.

On the last day we were outside on the bench with the two couples from the house across the bay. There was a lot of flirting going on as we were deciding who would go back to the house first (the house we stayed in). Then we took turns crossing. I ended up back on our side, but I didn’t cross the bridge. There was a chairman in our group and one of the women from the house across the bay said that one of us needed to wrap this guy up before someone else came and claimed him. At that point I was closest to him and was about to tell her that we grew up together, but instead I said that he has a twin also. I woke up after that.


Yahweh. Good Morning. Thank you for today. A new day. A new way of me holding my pen to write. Thank you for your grace in my life. Yahweh, I pray for guidance, discernment, revelation regarding this dream. It could be “Just a dream” or not. But you know. Show me what I ought to know and help me to continue to move in your will. To trust you for everything. Thank you for this new almost pain free day. Thank you for loving me and for the many ways that you speak to me. Remember the family, Yahweh. Keep us in your will. I love you.


Insert evil laugh here. Lol. Got my dad to make breakfast. Put out the eggs, took out the bread and he made an awesome scrambled eggs with onion and peppers!! Whoohoo!!

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