Spread the love

October 15, 2022


Well that was that. It is now 10:40 pm and I am not yet in bed. Look at that. I’m glad I went to the afternoon’s programme. Ignoring the fact that they ignored anyone under thirty (lol), it was awesome singing and worshipping as a community. Sigh. I miss those days. Not back in the day: just days of singing in a group.

Thank you for today, For enabling me to accomplish some things. I pray for Miya and Angie that despite the circumstances that they will still hold on you. It’s not easy being young and being treated badly by those who are supposed to guide. Strengthen them in you. I pray that as they go forward in you tomorrow and thereafter that they would live a better example than what they have seen in others. Truthfully, I am upset with the way Row especially treats them. And I don’t know what to do about it, if to do anything about it. I won’t do anything without further instruction. I pray that she improves and treats clothes better.

Ohhhh. Thank you. Because I was ready to give up on that investment opportunity and the sponsor wasn’t. He actually had someone outside the country get it set up. We shall see what happens from here. Thank you for today. I love you. I’m not sleepy though, but I feel that I should rest.



  1. Singing! Praise and worship in song like it should be.
  2. The account being set up. This is so unusual, but will see where it goes.
  3. Day thirty-three. A perfect number!
  4. Seeing some folks I haven’t seen in years.
  5. Hallelujah! Salvation and glory to you because you are wonderful!

Spread the love