time with Yahweh during the day
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April 14, 2022


Yahweh, thank you for this moment to spend with you. Thank you for your grace and your strength. Thank you for your love. I ask for your continued protection over this household. Thank you for the many ways that you have protected us, especially from the troubles that we did not even see. You’re preparing me constantly and I am thankful for that. Help me to not step outside of your will for me. Your will. Not mine. Thank you Yahweh.

Let Everything That Hath Breath Praise the Lord

Hmmm. Food for thought. If we believe that Yahweh is leading us, then it’s not possible for us to be off track. So that situation that seems difficult? Yahweh is in it. But the caveat is: we have to be following where he is leading. 

Sooooo. Sooooo. There are moments in  time that I just have to smile and thank Yahweh for his goodness (and his sense of humour).

I quoted the scripture, “Let everything that hath breath.” I was just thinking of it and praising Yahweh. And then I started listening to a sermon and only to hear them say the same words. May not be anything momentous about that because it is such a well known statement. 

But what happened next just had me. The speaker said, ” They’ve got you making budgets for the department, but if they saw your bank account.” Sigh. Yes, my bank account is this close to negative and I’m only halfway through the month. But what made me truly stop was the part where he said, they have you doing budgets for the department. Guess what I was doing not even twenty minutes before? The budget for the Department. Straight face.

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