Morning Star
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July 31, 2022


What is going on? It’s the end of the seventh month. Wow. Yahweh. Thank you for seeing me through. It is so amazing. 

“It is well, it is well with my soul.” Out of the greatest tragedies and disappointments can come the sweetest melody. I’ve had this song in my mind for some days now. Is it well with my soul? The truth is, growing up we were always taught by the church that you never know if you’re saved because to claim it is to be full of pride. That’s just what was believed and even though we sang this song and others, it’s always been with the backdrop that we can’t be sure. But the truth: our salvation is sure. Our confidence in you can be fixed. But we need to believe, to trust. To choose you intentionally. 

I am confident in you. I am saved by your grace and by your grace, I can say, “It is well with my soul.” And funny enough, as I think back, five years ago, I did not know that I would have this confidence. That it is well. Because I think about the Pharisees and Scribes who did not believe in you the way they ought to and sometimes I wonder if I could get like that? 

I thought about part of a scripture “but denying the power thereof.” In the sense that I don’t want to speak about you but denying the power of you. Denying what you can do, the changes that can happen because of you. And I went looking for the whole scripture, but the options that came up in the version I use were only three and one of them made me pause: 

Revelation 3:8 – I know what you have done. See, I have opened a door in front of you that no one can shut. You only have a little strength, but you have paid attention to my word and have not denied my name

And the scripture I was actually looking for

2 Timothy 3:5 – They will appear to have a godly life, but they will not let its power change them. Stay away from such people.

Or as the KJV says:

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

And I realise that even though these may seem unrelated – they are tied together. 

  1. The Philadelphians did not deny his name, his power. They endured and believed. They went through their “even if” moments and held on to what Yahweh said to them. They believed. And because of that, Yahweh opened a door that no one could shut and he said to them to hold on to what they have. 
  2. The Jews denied him. They did not believe in him – who he was. And it’s funny when you think about it: a form of Godliness. Most of the issues raised in 2 Timothy 3:1-4 are internal: things of the heart that we may not see as lookers on. But you see the heart. 

And I need to keep holding on to your word. I need to keep my confidence in you. To trust your promise, your word in my life. Not by my strength, because I have little, but in yours: and say that, “It is well with my soul.” Thank you Yahweh. For you.


Dunamis: miraculous power, might, strength. Power through Yahweh’s ability. 

To deny: arneomai: to say no, to contradict, to refuse to affirm or confess.

To refuse to confirm or confess the power, might and strength of Yahweh.

Wow. Just wow. It is actually a conscious decision: to deny/refuse to affirm means that the truth was presented and they said no to it. Consciously. And in a weird way it is comforting to know that once I don’t deny the power of Yahweh then all is well with my soul. Because that choice to choose him- to not deny him, to embrace him allows his power to change us and we will see his power at work in us. Thank you Yahweh for your power in my life. In the life of my parents and in the young people who are choosing you. I pray that we will continue to choose you and to hold on to you. I love you. Amen. In the name of Jesus.

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