Morning Star
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November 5, 2022


Thank you for a brand new day. Feeling like a bite up shilling. You know there’s a difference between lying down and not sleeping and being up physically. You designed us to rest. There is this “awesome” culture that glorifies always being on the move, but you desire us to rest. Rest in you. Rest physically.

Matthew 11:28 – “Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.

All those toiling : kopiaó : to grow weary, to labour with worrisome effort, exhausted.

This isn’t just tired. To grow weary is a significant level beyond. It’s when you are working and not seeing the fruits of your labour. Hustling but no produce. Worried. Wondering if all this is for nothing.

Being burdened : phortizó : to load, pass, I am laden, causing someone to be weighted down.

Hmmm. One is from our own choices and the other is from what others place on us. The baggage, the judgement and it’s heavy. But Yahweh says come to him.

We have to take our weary and our burdens to him. He’s not far. But it does take surrender. He will take the burdens that others have placed on us, that we have placed on ourselves and put his yoke on us. He takes our sins, our baggage, all those things and gives us something that is significantly lighter. That is devoid of condemnation

Will give rest : anapauó : to give rest, give intermission from labour, refresh, take my ease, to rest after a needed task is completed.

The pace we run at is determined by Yahweh. Not us. It doesn’t matter how good it is, when we run outside/faster than the pace of grace, we grow weary. Yahweh, forgive me. I do know better. I was making excuses and all that, but the truth is, your ordained rest does mean resting and while yes it is also worship, I need to rest in you also.

The pace of grace.

Isaiah 40:31 – Yet, the strength of those who wait with hope in the Lord will be renewed. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and won’t become weary. They will walk and won’t grow tired.


When we wait on you, when we move at the pace you desire, we won’t be tired. There are times to run and times to walk. And if we are walking at the times we should be running, we get weary – the burden weighs heavy. When we are running when we should be walking, we grow tired.

And we wonder if we’re doing what Yahweh told us to do. And we may actually be, but not at the pace he wants us to at that moment. Yahweh, forgive me for moving outside of your timing. Forgive me for not walking or running at your pace. Help me to seek your face at all times and to move at the pace you desire. I’m waiting on you, on your timing. To do your will. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


I will not work in vain and evil will not prevail against my finances.

Will not walk in vain when we walk at his pace. I pray that all resources needed would be available. That attempts to block access is rebuked. It dies today. Yahweh, I pray about my file that seems to have disappeared. Yahweh, I lift it before you. I pray for the monies that are owed to me. Restore it Yahweh. Not just gratuity, but all else that you have in store that the devil is trying to stop. But you are God. You are great and the devil can only try. He cannot succeed because you are in control.

Yahweh, I pray for a life of abundance. To do your work. To honour you in Spirit and in truth. To live for you. I will do what you desire of me. Thank you for being trustworthy. For being faithful. For your unending love.

My finances are yours. The good, the bad. Help me to make good decisions. Correction: help me to make God decisions with the resources that you have made available. I pray that they will grow. That it will honour you. That it will grow. That it will provide for our needs. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Psalm 128:1-2 – Blessed are all who fear the Lord and live his way.  You will certainly eat what your own hands have provided. Blessings to you! May things go well for you!


Amen! Hallelujah!

Psalm 34:10 – Young lions go hungry and may starve, but those who seek the Lord’s help have all the good things they need.


Not just the things. The good things. He will provide when we do what he says, when he says it. We will be able to eat and enjoy. We won’t be weary.

I will lack no good thing.

I will not labour in vain.

In the name of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I raise the altar of continuous prosperity over my life. Not to worship, but to offer as sacrifice for what you desire Yahweh. To live in your abundance. To be a blessing to others. To show your love.

As my spirit and soul are flourishing, so are my business, my career, my health, my family, my ministry. That they will flourish and be in good health. Every false altar is destroyed and burnt in your refining and purifying fire. No weapon formed will prosper. Those that are attempting to steal or divert my destiny, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. You have no part, no portion in my life.

He is Lord. He is mighty. You, devil, have no place here. Because my life is under Yahweh’s protection. He is my shield. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Yahweh, you are worthy of all praise. I love you Lord.

Matthew 6:11 – Give us our daily bread today.

Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) – See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Yahweh. Help me to be consistent with you. To take the time. Quality time. Forgive me for straying. It may have been small, but small becomes big. Help me to remain anchored in you. Amen.

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