Morning Star
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January 18, 2022


Good morning Yahweh. Thank you for waking me up this morning. My mind is showing a blank right now. You are a good father. You see beyond what we can even believe. Thank you for redeeming us and calling us by name. 

Though, it’s still amazing that you know all kajillion of us by name and you desire for us to know you. This household Yahweh, is dedicated to you. We are so far from perfect, but I am thankful that you love us. Dad, your example here, keep him in your will. May his heart be an altar dedicated to you: to your will and spirit and in truth. Jeffers. Protect him and keep him safe. Ron, may he find the rest in you and you alone. Cee, your goodness and mercy follow him. May he never run ahead of you. Alex, the one who has walked away from you, but may also be closest to you.  There is so much in him and I pray that he finds the path that leads to you. Chico and Phil. I don’t even have the words. They aren’t children anymore. Every choice, every pivot leads either to you or away from you. May the choices lead to you. PC, You know the end from the beginning, you know him. Let your spirit flow through his life, his heart. Let his relationship with you be deep and so that nothing can separate him from you.

Thank you Yahweh for who you have been in all our lives, for blessing and providing. Help us to follow our callings. We are not called for one purpose but how that will look could be different simultaneously. Help us to recognize your call and diligently work as unto you. You are God alone and we honour you. I honour you.

Exodus 23:13 – The Lord continues, never spread false rumours. (Are there true rumours? Asking for a friend) Don’t join forces with wicked people by giving false testimony. Never follow a quote in doing wrong. When you testify in court, don’t side with the majority to pervert justice. Never give special favours to poor people in court.

You know the phrase (as I’ve always heard it), “99 Frenchmen can’t be wrong” came to mind. The first time I heard it, it was to mean that the majority is usually right. What had me laughing, is that the phrase as I heard it is actually wrong! And there are so many versions of it, with the original version being a song called “Fifty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong.”  The song was written at a time when there weren’t even 50 million Frenchmen to speak of. 

But I digress… Historically, the majority is never right with one notable exception. Yahweh and his host. The majority is in the right in this case. And while everyone else in the world can be doing wrong, we become the majority when we choose Yahweh and choose to do what is right in his sight. 

2 Kings 6:16, 17 – So he answered, Do not fear for those who are with us, are more than those who are with them. And Elisha prayed and said, Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see. Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw. And behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 

The minority becomes a majority with Yahweh. The knowledge and the assurance that the God of Angel Armies is surrounding us when we choose to do what is right is a great comfort. Open my eyes to see you and yours. Thank you for being a shield around us. 

Sigh. Sometimes when I start reading your word, I would have an idea of where it would go. But almost every time you lead me on a different path! Yahweh thank you for your leading. I pray that I will continue to choose you and to follow you. This day is yours to do your will. I will follow. 

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