April 17, 2022
So. The hike. I really thought about making it longer but the terrain is a bit special. Everyone was quite good with it, though there were parts where it was so steep that people just slid down on their behind. It was fun. Now? I’m just sitting at the beach after a game of catch. Met some other folks on the beach but they came across by boat. Brought their whole house it looked like, including a generator. I’m gonna walk the beach in a bit, but just enjoying being outside in nature for a while. Thank you for your presence.
Today was epic!! I haven’t had such good fun in a while. Ah tired though. I think plenty of the folks was dreading the first part of the hike back because it steeeeeeppppp! But towards the afternoon the other group who was there offered us the use of their boat to go back. Even one of the folks who usually get seasick said they would accept the boat ride.Â
When we were there though, part of the sea had an undercurrent so we decided to go to the middle where it had a rock shelf and deepish pools behind the shelf. We were like yayyyyy!! Got into the pools. As soon as I lay down to wet my hair a big wave came and hit the pool. No one was expecting it because the area was really calm all the time before. Think we all got moved about five feet. Even scratched my arm against the rocks. It was that unexpected. We stayed there for about thirty minutes, but the water decided that it would keep trying to rush us out of the pool. We caved after the wave that almost covered everyone. But guess what? When we walked back to where our stuff was, the sea was calm so we were able to jump on and get a good sea bath. It was fun. Think everyone went home and knocked out for a bit. I know I did. They’re asking when the next event will be.Â