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September 25, 2022


There has been a thought percolating in my mind for a few days now, and I wondered if it was God or just my thoughts. Today, the conviction came: this is what the Spirit is saying.

Deuteronomy 28:13 – The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. You will always be at the top, never at the bottom, if you faithfully obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today.

I’ve always heard this preached in a way that means that you’re going to be the “head.” You’ll be the one in charge: head of the company. But history has shown that many of Yahweh’s people weren’t the “head.” They were 100% in Yahweh’s will, but yet they weren’t the one in charge. They didn’t get the trophy. Yep, I’m thinking of Jonathan also. And the thought that came, it’s not a physical who is in charge. It’s not even about anyone else for that matter, it’s about the individual.

James 1:8 – A person who has doubts is thinking about two different things at the same time and can’t make up his mind about anything.

The head is meant to be decisive. The tail follows wherever the head goes. Have you ever looked at the tail of a dog or cat? Half the time it’s just all over the place because no thought is put into it actively doing anything. But 100% of the time, it goes wherever the head goes. It cannot make a decision independently. It does not know what is going on around it. It’s clueless.

This is what is meant by being the head and not the tail. We will know what to do. We will be able to make decisions. We won’t be double-minded – back and forth: like a tail.

Our thoughts will be above board. The things we do will elevate us and glorify Yahweh. Yes, it can result in elevation in our physical lives, because someone does need to be the actual head honcho,  but the elevation is truly in the sight of Yahweh.  Yes, he loves all of us, but unless we are in him, he can’t call us friend.

John 15:14 – You are my friends if you obey my commandments.

That is the above that Yahweh derives of us, for us. The beauty of it is, that once we are elevated, all else assigned to us will be afforded to us.

You know it is so easy to fall into the trap of well – I’m not this or that, so Yahweh can’t use me. I had a couple (or ten) thoughts today that wasn’t charitable. Like when the young lady and her guy were walking and she is pretty much going to the grocery in underwear. Btw, why is it never the guy in underwear? Maybe women want eye candy too! And I thought, why you got to show everybody what you’ve got? Yeah, not my best moment, but I also truly don’t agree with everything being out there. Will I walk around like that at home? Absolutely. But I don’t want everyone seeing what is meant for my husband and me. And that goes for him too. Nope. I’m jealous like that.

Right. Back to my original thought. I appreciate when people (pastors etc) are open about their shortcomings because it reminds me that Yahweh still uses us even though we mess up. Thank you for that.

Whose idea was it to take off the file manager from FB? It makes no sense. None I tell you. None!!



  1. I am the head and not the tail.
  2. Genesis 25-37
  3. Healing and continued restoration. Visited a cousin who a week ago had a mild stroke. Yahweh, I am thankful for your healing. For your grace in his life. He’s home and doing well.. Restore him to full health and strength.
  4. Day fourteen.
  5. Planning a hike that I cannot afford to attend at the moment. Yahweh, I pray for provision. Not just banana, dasheen and cassava, but the resources to pay the bills and to repair the car and to attend the hike and all the other things you’ve assigned to me. Help me to keep my focus fixed on you. To know where you will lead. Thank you for today. I love you.

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