Spread the love

October 17, 2022


Day is done.

Gone the sun.

It is wayyyyy late, but it was a worthy cause:

  1. Emergency pick-up for Miya and Angie.
  2. Putting together the journals. Honestly, I love how they look!


Yahweh, thank you for today. For the good, the good and the extra good. I pray that whatever the season, the moment, that I will see you in it because you are in everything. You are everything (and everything is you). Thank you for your guidance. I pray that I do not hold on to my dream that you’ve given me so tightly that I miss when you are doing a new thing, because I want to see it.

Yahweh, I pray for the Reynold’s family. Surround them and place your hedge of protection. Your shield so that nothing can harm them. I pray that anyone who is practising necromancy and obeah against them, that it would not prosper. That it would go back to the practitioner- ten fold.

Yahweh, help them to see that you are the shield for those who diligently seek you. Protect the family. Keep them in your care. In the name of Jesus. Amen.



  1. Putting together journals.
  2. Transport express. I pray Yahweh for your covering over the vehicle. It is used for your ministry. I pray that it will move as it ought. Amen.
  3. Making reservations for training!! Happy dance!
  4. Day thirty-five.

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