Morning Star
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July 3, 2022



Thank you for the cross Lord. 

Thank you for his nail pierced hands.

Wash me in the cleansing flow.

Now all I know is your goodness and embrace.

Worthy is the lamb. Seated on his throne.

We crown him now with many crowns.

He reigns victorious.


Thank you for being our victorious king. Thank you for this day that you have made. Thank you for preparing a place for us. Yahweh I pray that in everything I will keep my trust in you. That I would honour you as my God and Saviour. You are the ruler of this earth and  though you’ve given us dominion, it is as stewards not as owners and we need to acknowledge that you are still sovereign over all. You are the king. The Lord, God Almighty. Today Yahweh, help me to give as unto you.  To not get caught up in the things of this world or run after the things of this world, because you have called us to be a light to the world.

Help us, help me to find the balance of being that friend who is able to draw others to you and still maintain the standards of what you desire from us. Thank you for the example that you have set before us and help us to walk in your will. To draw others to you. To lift you up. Cleanse us from all that is not of you. That as we go through your refining fire that we don’t try to run away, that we trust you that we would not be consumed. But that once tested we would come out as pure gold. It’s not something that is done once and we call it quits. You are periodically refining us. Each time, we reflect a purer version of you. Help us not to shrink, but to walk in your will. Help me to honour you.

Yahweh, help us to reach our youths. To not be afraid to give of ourselves – to show our vulnerabilities. To show that we’re not “perfect” and that we do remember going through what they are going through. Age to age, it’s all still the same. Yahweh, protect them from what threatens to overwhelm them. I pray that they find someone that they can relate to – it doesn’t need to be more. Someone they can share with, especially when the way gets rough and sometimes you just need the physical voice of comfort. Let your power fall on them so that they would be used mightily by you. This is my prayer in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.


Jeremiah 23:29 – “Isn’t my word like fire or like a hammer that shatters a rock?” asks the Lord.

Jeremiah 1:10 – Today I have put you in charge of nations and kingdoms. You will uproot and tear down. You will destroy and overthrow. You will build and plant.”

Dabar: My Word:- whatever Yahweh says/commands, Advice, Counsel, promise.

Like a Fire: Esh – supernatural fire. Attending theophany (theophany: visible manifestation of a deity).

Like a hammer: Pattish – Smooths, destroys

The Fire Works: the fire cleanses.

Yahweh, thank you for your word, your refining fire, your consuming fire. Yahweh, thank you for your protection of fire also. Help me to humble myself before you. To honour you in all things.

Matthew 3:10 – The ax is now ready to cut the roots of the trees. Any tree that doesn’t produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into a fire.

Hebrews 1:7 – God said about the angels, “He makes his messengers winds. He makes his servants flames of fire.”

1 Kings 18:24 – “You call on the name of your gods, but I will call on the name of the Lord. The god who answers by fire is the real God.” All the people answered, “That’s fine.”


Yahweh, you are the fire. Cleanse me by your fire. To be who you desire me to be.


"Purified by Fire" the word Purified written in dark blue, the by written in light blue and the word fire written in red. Red swirls on the right side

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