time with Yahweh during the day
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April 21, 2022


The craziest thing happened today. I signed up for an Instagram account. Like what? No lie. I’m scared. I’ve stayed out of social media for so long and in one week signed up for two. The thing is, when Yahweh asks you to move – you move (just like that).

Yahweh, I without a doubt, unequivocally need you in this. I know you’re in ehhh, but I’m re-stating for emphasis. I need you. I need your strength. Your armour, your love, your grace. May my words be yours. My thoughts be yours and everything in you. Walking forward despite the fear. Btw, I’m thankful that you did not show me this stuff before: I may have run. Thank you.

I’m. Still. In. Shock!!

Love truly has no fear or maybe it’s easier to push past fear when you love someone. Yahweh, I love you. Thank you for loving me

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