February 14, 2022
A site visit with no drama! Happy, happy, happy dance!! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on a drama free site visit. It was awesome! And someone left candy on my desk 👀. It’s been so long since I’ve logged into Facebook from a computer that I couldn’t figure out how to log back out (facepalm).Â
The best stories always have trials. Most of us won’t read a book without the protagonist going through something. We want them to overcome: you want to see them grow and improve. And we cheer when they go through and come out victorious even though there may be scars etc. Why do we then expect to go through life without facing something? Why do we think that it will always be smooth sailing? If for no other reason than to have a story (i.e testimony) to tell, we should rejoice in our trials. Now that’s not to say that some trials don’t just have you like wth?!!!! And some just have you wishing you could give up, but remember when you watch the movie that’s the part that you’re leaning in for. That’s the part where you grip the book tighter (or the Kindle). That’s the time when in real life you also lean in and you hold on tighter. You know why? Because in the end it would be worth it. You would be able to sit back, raise a glass, give a cheer. You made it through. But you know what happens next? After a while you pick up another book. You watch another movie and you go through it again. Oh, but the stories you’ll tell.
My workout has my arms crying out today, but thank Yahweh for strength.