Morning Star
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March 19, 2022


(Singing) Hosanna in the highest, may your name be lifted up. Hosanna.

Yahweh, you are God above all. You are the King of kings. No one can compare to you. You love us with an everlasting, unbelievable, incomprehensible love and I am thankful for it. Because you saved me. Raised me from the dead and gave me a life with you – not just here on earth (and honestly that would be good enough) but a life spent with you for the rest of your life (which spans for eternity).

Thank you for the ways you bless and provide. Thank you for family: parents, brothers and sisters, friends. But thank you for being who you are, most of all. For desiring us. We were truly made to worship you and so often we try to fill that gap with everything else. Because to fill it with you is something we have to trust someone outside of ourselves to do. But we have become so disconnected from who we truly are that we are afraid to let you in, because you will see us for who we are (you do anyhow). But we don’t recognize that you love us anyhow. You saw who we are (selfish, a bit cray-cray, jealous, angry, depressed) and still loved us. With a love that sacrificed for us. With all that we are – the sad and the not so sad, you still chose and sacrificed yourself for us, so that we could have you. 

We can be restored to you.

Thank you for loving us so completely. Thank you for being an awesome God, a loving father and a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Thank you for being constant even when we waver. For being our anchor, our centre that holds us in place and binds us securely to you. We can’t do it on our own. We need you.

Ephesians 3:17 – Then Christ will live in you through faith. I also pray that love may be the ground into which you sink your roots and on which you have your foundation

When we spend our lives looking for the next big thing, it’s because we are missing the biggest thing that is supposed to anchor us  and steady us. Without that something we get turned around so easily. Now I love those movies with moving and talking trees because I kinda really love the idea of being able to commune (literally) with nature. But trees weren’t made to walk, they were created to be firm and steady and so were we. To be firmly fixed, established. And when we aren’t grounded in Yahweh then we are lost. I also pray that love may be the ground. Yahweh is love. (1 John 4:16).

When we see someone’s personality changing constantly, always moving, always searching for something, we need to pray and reach out to them because there is nothing on which they are fixing their roots – so they aren’t stable. But we all long for that stability – even the most nomadic person will always have one thing that’s constant. Because we need that. Not just want it. We need it. 

Proverbs 16:3 – Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established.

So the app wasn’t set to my usual translation and this came up instead. My usual says it this way: Entrust your efforts to the Lord and your plans will succeed. 

But going back to the original language there were some words that stuck out to me. The word translated to commit and entrust means to roll, roll away. And honestly I was confused as to how they got that from “rolled.” But then I thought of what happens when you roll something: it picks up whatever it is being rolled over. In this instance Yahweh. So we are covered in Yahweh which establishes our thoughts. Our thoughts and ideas are put to right. They become firm  in Yahweh (that doesn’t mean we won’t have new ideas, but that these ideas would be centred in Christ). 

Hebrews 6:19,20 – We have this confidence as a sure and strong anchor for our lives. This confidence goes into the holy place behind the curtain where Jesus went before us on our behalf. He has become the chief priest forever in the way Melchizedek was a priest. 

SIDEBAR: I have always loved that name Melchizedek.

Back to the scripture. The preamble to this scripture says that God does not change. He cannot lie. The thing is – man changes (and that is good depending on the context) and man definitely lies. Oh man, how we does lie. The only way we can be steadfast, to not constantly be changed with every breeze: to not be liars, is to anchor fast to the one who does not change and does not lie. We have to take hold of that fixed point, that anchor that fixes us and grounds our very essence, our spirit so that we can be who we were meant to be and not wishy-washy. 

It makes me smile – you that is – how you do things. Your breath creates our soul (the same word translated to soul, means breath, to blow) and it’s funny, because your breath is as firm as you are. It had to be in order to create a soul. But the soul it created is  as wavy as (well) our own breath, unless we offer it back to you. In everything we see these cycles that serve to rejuvenate us and connect us to you. And with each cycle we become more embedded, more of you become part of us. I look forward to the day where people can’t even look at us and see any separation (is that possible?). And it’s not a matter of becoming you, it’s becoming like you. Thank you for your steadfastness, your constancy and your life in us. In you we can be fully fixed and not formless like our breaths. Thank you for being our anchor. 


Anchor – Hillsong Worship

Of Yahweh’s Promisses Playlist


And breakfast today is something I haven’t had in a hot minute. Yorkshire pudding! Lol. I remember the first time I heard the name I thought it was some meat something only to realise it’s a bread something. 

And then the first time I made it, whooo chile. The videos all gave such warnings about what to use and what not to do. How hot the oven would have to be, how long you have to rest the batter before, that I was almost paranoid. I went out and bought real butter (margarine works better for a lot of things here in this climate). I rested that batter in the face overnight. I made sure sure the oven was hot hot. And I made these puddings. They were awesome! They really were. Almost 2 years later, I still make them occasionally. I use margarine or oil or whatever I have on hand. The batter might rest for half an hour or so (still in the fridge though) and it still tastes awesome. 

Though as I’m here thinking, isn’t this how we are with God? And new relationships on the whole. Honestly it can be viewed as good or bad. We took the time, energy and went the extra mile to make sure everything went well, but later on we just wing it: no longer put in the effort it seems. Or it can be that it has become such a part of us, it’s second nature. We understand the nuances and recognize that the frills and fancies aren’t needed for a relationship to be awesome. I hope it’s the second one. But!! But!! We still need to introduce something new at times. So that it’s not just on autopilot. Probably why thunderstorms come or the pilot decides to do a fancy spin. And there are some serious mixed metaphors here. Lol, oh well. I know what I meant. Don’t let my routine become routine.

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