October 6, 2022
Yahweh, confession. I am tired. Not tired of life or anything like that, but my body needs like ten hours sleep and a deep tissue massage type of rest. But in everything I am thankful for life. How else would I be able to see the goodness of you in the land of living? I need to be alive. Thank you for this new day. It is still raining. Schools are closed today. I’m supposed to have a site visit in country, but given the landslides up that side, probably will not go for safety reasons. Also thinking to postpone the hike for this Sunday because with all this amount of train the trails will probably (definitely) be dangerous. Believe it or not, I love rainy days (once I don’t really have to go anywhere). These are the days I want to wrap up in bed and feel all cosy and stuff.
Thank you for the rain. I’m going to postpone the hike for Sunday though. This weather system has two days left (today and tomorrow), and because of the type of terrain I will always choose caution.
Miya said yesterday that she did not know what to study for that day – Bible wise. I feel the same way right now. But I am reminded of one of Yahweh’s promises. One that is tied, intertwined with his name.
Isaiah 55:10-11 – “Rain and snow come down from the sky.
They do not go back again until they water the earth.
They make it sprout and grow
so that it produces seed for farmers
and food for people to eat.
11 My word, which comes from my mouth, is like the rain and snow.
It will not come back to me without results.
It will accomplish whatever I want
and achieve whatever I send it to do.”
It will come to pass and whatever comes will do two things: provide for now (food for people) and lay the foundation for the future (seed for the farmers). We are all supposed to be farmers and of course we need to live in this moment. Yahweh, I pray for the wisdom and knowledge to steward what you have placed within my sphere. To provide for now and to sow for the future harvest. But we should not take everything and use it out now. Neither should we save everything for the future. There is a balance that Yahweh is calling for. Help me to find that balance.
Don’t despise small beginnings. There is this idea that I have to save a certain amount and choose a local/small business to invest in. I don’t object to large companies and stock market etc, but I truly believe in supporting local and I would love to do this in a meaningful way.
Thank you for your daily provision. Thank you for using me in your world grand design in my little corner. Today (and everyday) is yours. Today, I am choosing to trust you. Today, I will live for you. Thank you Yahweh, I love you.
Blessed be the Name – James Hall and Worship and Praise
Total Praise break!! Yahweh I will sing praise unto your name because you are THE most high.
Yahweh, I will continue to use the broken phone until you say otherwise. I’ve attempted several times to see if it can be repaired even though there are no resources available to me at the moment to do so. They all took one look and said nope, they can’t fix it. Then I was loaned an old phone (yayyyy!), but it uses a traditional sim card, while I have a micro sim (boooo). The thing is to get another sim requires (dum, dum, dum, dummmm) money to get one. These companies (big business) gives nothing freely. Probably also why I want to invest in small businesses. Ones that are led by you. Ones that you lead me to. I know it will be a business transaction and a percentage of what they make will return, but I truly believe in supporting local, so I will. Thank you for your grace. Your love. Your rain!