Morning Star
Spread the love

June 16, 2022


Good Morning! How are you today? I am okay. Truthfully, I still want to sleep. Total shame face. I am thankful though. Beyond thankful for being able to sleep. I could almost cry. Tears of joy this time. 

Psalm 56:8 – (You have kept a record of my wanderings. Put my tears in your bottle. They are already in your book.)

Which begs the question, this scripture implies that tears of sorrow will be collected, taken note of. What about tears of joy? Is note taken of them also? And there is the weird recognition that the human body can have the same response to completely different situations. Tears of Joy, Tears of Anger, Tears of Sorrow. 

Laugh for something funny. But also for surprise, derision and disbelief. Is this how you desired us to be or did sin change our responses? Would I still care about this question when you return? 

Last serious question. I’m not even sure how to articulate the question: at the end of this current time, we always speak about Jesus’ return but does God the Father also show up at that time? Or would it just be God the Son? What about God the spirit? How would that work? Would I see all three of you at that point or just one and see the other two when we physically get to heaven? Annnndd! Does the Holy Spirit have a face that we can also gaze upon? 

Revelation 20:6 – Blessed and holy are those who are included the first time that people come back to life. The second death has no power over them. They will continue to be priests of God and Christ. They will rule with him for 1,000 years

We shall reign With God the Father and the Son for 1,000 years.  I think one thing that is painfully, almost overwhelmingly obvious – if anyone had any doubts – is that the members of the Godhead are three distinct beings. And after Jesus came to the earth, the distinction (I believe) was even more evident. 

God – the Father

God: Who is the Father – who in Revelation is often referred to as “just” God.

God lives with humans: Revelation 21:3

God wipes every year: Revelation 21:4

God makes all things new: Revelation 21:5

God – the Son

Christ: Who is the Son – who in Revelation is often referred to as the Lamb. And at times the Angel. 

The Lamb was its lamp: the glory of the Lord gave the city light: Revelation 21:23

Both the Father and the Son sits on a throne: Revelation 22:3

God – the Spirit

The Spirit: always referred to as the Spirit. 

The Spirit (and the Bride) says come: Revelation 22:17

Hmmmmm. The Spirit never leaves us even in heaven. The spirit and the bride (Yahweh’s people). I don’t know why these questions were on my mind, but they were. I think honestly though, there are some things we (as in me), may not fully understand until you (all of you) return. Functioning as all of you, even if we are only seeing one of you at that moment. 


Friend List

Yahweh, you speak about who will be written in the book of life. Those whose names were not found in the Book of Life will be thrown into the fiery lake. You desire that no one would perish. Me too. I bring before you everyone on the friends list. I truly don’t know them personally, but you do. You know what you’re doing. You know what they need. Cleanse and restore those who are walking a path that is not of you. Strengthen those who have chosen you already. Too often we are controlled by the vices of this world. Blinded by the things of this world. Open their eyes, Yahweh that they will see you. That they would seek you with all their hearts. Nothing is impossible with you. I pray that they – every last one of them will be saved, they will be sealed as yours when you return. I pray that the words they read, would be of you and would draw them closer to you. You desire to be their father and to show your love. Touch them in your precious name. The name above all names. Jesus. Father. Spirit. Fill them with your spirit until they too are your witnesses here on earth. Thank you for your promise of an earth without sin. Thank you for the promise to wipe every tear. 

Thank you for saving us. Thank you for those you have placed in my path. I pray that I am able to do the work that you have called me to do. Touch each heart, in your name. For your glory. For your glory. Fill us Yahweh. I love you. 

Wow. You know all of us by name. You know all of us by name. I can’t even imagine. Every name is yours. I just called every name and it was almost overwhelming. But it isn’t for you. Wow. I’m speechless. Bless them and draw them to you. 

Spread the love