August 20, 2022
I like sermons that force me to take notes. There are some sermons that are such surface level that my eyes glaze over. So surface level that even children are like, really? But when a sermon makes me pull out pen and paper or makes me pause it because I was listening while doing something else so that I can concentrate on it later, I like those. That’s not to say that all sermons need to do that for me because there are some sermons that I just listen to and learn a lot.
But confession: I have taken notes from a sermon at my church in never. Today, I could only hear every other word and could not even figure out what he was talking about. I asked the person in front of me what the speaker was talking about. She said she had no clue. Yahweh, you are a big, miracle working God. Work a miracle in this church please? I believe that there is so much bound up in the church but it needs to be set free. Free us Yahweh to live for you. To shout for you or even be quiet for you. But release us from the spiritual bondage that we seem to be in. Renew our hearts and mind and awaken a love for you that will shine through in everything that we do. Yahweh, the spirit of division that is reigning. Cast it out. Send it to hell where it belongs and may we be united in your spirit. One that is holy, committed and set apart in you. Your spirit to dwell in us. Keep us Yahweh in you. I love you. Heal us. Heal this land as a testimony in your name. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.