January 10, 2023 TODAY’S THANKFUL TALLY Despite the hospital visit and prescription I will not have a medical bill to pay. Mom staying at the hospital while I was there. I rested! Thankful for that too. I ended the fast. Because medication wise I have to eat though part of me wonders if …
Could Not Hold a Pen
January 10, 2023 Sometime in the Afternoon I am thankful. Eight hours ago I could not hold a pen. The morning was spent at the hospital having x-rays etc done. But now I am here. I still can’t hold the pen the way I used to, but I can hold the pen. Thank you …
Feeling Wonky
January 9, 2023 So I don’t seem to lose weight when I fast. But who knows if there will be a difference this time? We shall see. I’m feeling wonky though. I’m not sure how to describe what I’m feeling. Though fear is not my future, on another note a neighbour has started back …
Not Afraid of the Future
January 2, 2023 It is so late! But the day was productive. Revised another planner from large to medium. Completed about eight pages of the “Dear God” journal. Haven’t yet determined the number of pages that will be in this journal, but will work out that number. The question of how many pages should …
Make Room
January 2, 2023 Good Morning Yahweh. How do I make room for you? Or for anything else? I spoke so biggishly about making room but now I need to do it and I’m not sure how. Psalm 131:1 – O Lord, my heart is not conceited. My eyes do not look down on others. …
Stand Still
January 1, 2023 Sunday “Be Still” Two words. From you. It means not just staying one place, but being open to your will. To your voice. 2023. Exodus 14:13 – Moses answered the people, “Don’t be afraid! Stand still, and see what the Lord will do to save you today. You will never see …
Unsettled and Wary
April 18, 2022 Yahweh, I am not sure how I am feeling. Mainly unsettled, wary. Not sure why. Okay. I feel like I’m at a stand still. Not at a distance and wait on the lord, but at his stand still. I feel like I should be further along with the spiritual journey. Though …