Morning Star
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January 29, 2022 


This is the day!! That you have made, so I will rejoice in it. Thank you for waking me up to see this new day. Thank you that I was able to get up with minimal pains and thank you, thank you, thank you that I was able to sleep. You have been so good. It’s weird how folks still (?!!) love to say that you and science don’t mix when the truth is, science shows us your imagination and ingenuity. You use both natural and supernatural to heal.  

Thank you for your grace and love for me, for this world. Somehow you still love us and that is beyond amazing.

There’s a statement that keeps running through my mind this morning, that part of me wonders about the veracity of it: “If you’re always in need of constant supernatural miracles, then you are not leaving the life that Yahweh wants.”

Now truthfully, I do need some supernatural intervention in parts of my life (Sigh, yes I confess). But what the person who said this was referring to, was that supernatural miracles occurred at moments of crisis. And if we are constantly going from crisis to crisis, then something is out of alignment in our lives. There are a million “little” miracles everyday. The consistent ones (I see you, Yahweh), where we breathe, we are inspired, where we are able to reach out and help someone. Let’s consider these natural miracles. 

But I do believe that supernatural miracles occur when something needs to be rectified which does (I guess so) really mean that if we are constantly needing supernatural miracles something is inconsistent in our lives or something is not in alignment in our lives. Exhibit A: my back. I keep praying for your intervention because of the pain due to the ruptured cyst and the need to lead the hike today. The thing is I wouldn’t normally need to pray as such a prayer. I would normally be thanking you for health and strength (and I guess that’s why the thought was on my mind). Every miracle (supernatural that is) that is recorded in scripture occurred at a time of crisis: at a moment when something had to be made right.

  1. Water to wine (Yes, Yahweh cares about us being embarrassed)
  2. Bringing Lazarus back to life. 
  3. Feeding the 5000+
  4. Calming the storm
  5. Restoring sight to the blind 

All restoration of the situation to the natural order of things, where natural miracles can operate the way Yahweh intended. Where we breathe normally. There’s provision normally. Our bodies and minds are traumatised with every crisis that we go through (science definitely shows that). Whatever that crisis is, whether it’s a physical pain that wears on your mind and body or emotional, which also wears on your mind and body, we aren’t designed to be living in constant crisis. So we truly should not be needing constant supernatural miracles.

So what should we do? 

I believe that the answer lies in consistency. Yahweh is consistent. Water moves in a consistent manner, so do our bodies. We truly need to be consistent to minimise crises in our lives. (Note, crises will never be eliminated on a sinful earth, but even when crises occur, the effects can be minimised due to the consistency we would have developed over time). If your habit is praying consistently, what happens in a crisis? You do what comes naturally: you pray and that helps to minimise the damage from the crisis AND activate the supernatural to set things back to right. Another thought just came to me (thank you Yahweh). 


Glory: High renown or honour one by notable achievements. Magnificence or great beauty.

Bible definition: The splendour, holiness and majesty of God. 


Psalm 19:1 – The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament show at his handiwork.

One of my favourite scriptures. Nature in its consistency and design showcases Yahweh’s glory. You can’t help but wonder about the creator behind the creations. 

John 1:14 – And the word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the father, full of grace and truth.

We see Yahweh’s glory when we have him in our daily lives. But the thought that the Spirit just laid on me is that yes miracles (supernatural) make things right. But they are also used to reveal Yahweh’s glory in a way that shakes us out of our usual expectations and allows us to see what Yahweh can do. 


John 11:39, 40 – Martha, the dead man’s sister, told Jesus, “Lord, there must already be a stench. He’s been dead for days.” Jesus said to her, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believe, you would see God’s glory?”

It’s possible as believers to become so used to the natural miracles that Yahweh would step in to jolt us out of our complacency and show us his glory. Sort of a wake-up call. For some of us, it becomes difficult to see Yahweh in natural miracles. And I honestly think there is that release of endorphins or something when we see Yahweh’s hand at work, because we don’t usually “see” it.


John 4:48 – If people don’t see miracles and amazing things, they won’t believe.

Yahweh basically jumping up and down to get our attention because his natural glory didn’t.  We take notice of what operates outside the norm and for those who believe, it serves to reinforce, confirm , remind.


John 20:29 – Jesus said to Thomas, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who haven’t seen me but believe.”

I do believe that it takes a different level/shade of faith to believe Yahweh through his natural miracles (the so-called mundane): when we open our hearts and minds to see the everyday miracles around us. Yahweh will always choose to show us his glory in whichever format so that we would believe in him. Why? Because he wants to save us ultimately. That’s the end game: he wants to save us and weather through the natural order supernatural, he will do it. 

SIDEBAR: As humans who see God’s glory in natural everyday miracles, it can become so easy to limit him to that realm.  So to show his lack of limits, he can and will do the supernatural.

Yahweh, help me to never get used to your glory, to always stand in awe of who you are. (To be) I don’t know how to express what I’m feeling. The paradox of Yahweh: to see his glory in the natural and supernatural and to know him through his consistency and his diversity.

To draw closer to him because of who he is – when he’s working supernatural miracles and when he is not. Thank you for who you are, for showing us so many aspects of you. For being with us, thank you.

So often we want to focus on the actions of Satan in our lives, but I’ve noticed that when you focus on Yahweh, the actions of Satan fade into the background. We barely notice his effects on our lives, but then Satan once more tries to steal a page from Yahweh’s playbook and does something out of the ordinary to try and get our attention (hmmm, I guess he creates a crisis. Look how I’ve come full circle and have been showing another perspective). What should we do in such times? Keep our focus on Yahweh, because you would see his supernatural glory. Satan can only steal from Yahweh’s playbook (after it has been revealed) but Yahweh in his limitless glory is always inventing new plays. 

You make me smile, you really do. The way that you lead, the way you reveal yourself. All glory belongs to you. I’ll keep my heart fixed on you, because you alone are God. You does really make me smile!!

I’m truly amazed at how you build on what was laid before. Sometimes I truly don’t even recognize the foundation is being laid, but whenever I “look back” I see where you are grooming me and preparing me. Where you lay the first part and then later lay the next row. I’m seeing it like blocks in a row (and I feel like I can’t write fast enough): each row is on the same level, so my movement is linear at times and we don’t always “see” the progress even though we are moving. And then a new layer is laid and we move up. All the blocks look the same, but it is on a different level so it takes you higher, because it would have been built on what was there before! Yahweh, I am so thankful for you leading, for your building in my life. It was so amazing to go back one week and the first scripture that I read spoke about your glory. You are always at work in our lives, building us up, taking us to new levels in you. It is all your glory – but each level brings us to a deeper understanding of you. Yahweh, you are truly an awesome God. 

And it’s interesting that in building, there is that slight shift that overlaps the blocks and makes the structure stronger, so each level isn’t just built on exactly one “concept” from before but it straddles two and pulls them together. 


Jesus You're the Centre
Jesus You’re the Centre

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