time with Yahweh during the day
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October 6, 2022


Yahweh, I pray for your intervention. Your direction, your protection. There is an intentional attempt by individuals to delay what I am supposed to receive. Yahweh, you are in control. I ask that you open the heart of the person who is holding on to my file. Let it be released to the people who are supposed to work on it, so that things would be done.  Yahweh, you are my father. Nothing is too hard for you. You are the strong tower. Save me. Restore this situation. Thank you Yahweh. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Word of the Day


I feel stretched. To the point of breaking. I truly don’t know how much more I am able to take. I am not strong. How much longer? Every single day feels like a struggle. Yahweh, I will work hard. I have no problem with hard work, especially since it is all I’ve ever known. But please, I don’t think I can make it if everyday is a struggle like this. Every day. I am so tired right now. And yes I am so thankful for your plans for me, but not even a light at the end of the tunnel? Not even that?

The blog is just there. It takes a lot of time to type and post and I’m barely keeping up. I have nothing else. And it feels like you have turned your face from me. Why have you turned away from me?

Please forgive me.

Mom said she don’t know why I had to cut my sim card for or else I could have used her old phone. I didn’t cut the sim. That’s how it came. I’m going to bed. At least for a couple of hours, if I fall asleep, I can pretend that everything is okay.



I won’t be moved by what I see,

I’ll keep my eyes on what you showed me

(Bigger – JJ Hairston)


The Story I’ll Tell – Maverick City

Oh the story I’ll tell. My God didn’t fail. Yahweh, even though today doesn’t feel like a good day, but I am moving forward in you. I’m moving to you. Because you are the source of my life. You are my God. You are my friend. And I am thankful for what you will bring me through. Because you will. Thank you Yahweh.


Stretched (Dictionary)

  • To cause something to reach as far as possible in a particular direction.
  • To spread over a large distance or area.
  • To go as far or past the usual limit of something.

Stretched (Bible)

  • To draw out to greater length.
  • To spread, to expand.
  • To draw or pull out.


Psalm 143:6 – I stretch out my hands to you in prayer.
Like parched land, my soul thirsts for you. Selah

Oh this is so true. And honestly as I’m writing I remember your promise of the river. Your promise of the rain and though it feels like parched lands right now, Yahweh I will stretch my hands to you. I am stretching my hands to you. You are the only one who can water this earth.

Stretch : Paras : to spread out, break, lay open, chop in pieces (Like what?!!), scatter, stretch forth.

Exodus 14:26 –  Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the water will flow back over the Egyptians, their chariots, and their cavalry.”

I promise I’m not intentionally choosing scriptures with allusions to water. I’m not.

Stretch: Natah : to stretch out, extend, incline, bend, thrust away.

Acts 22:25 –  But when the soldiers had Paul stretch out to tie him to the whipping post with the straps, Paul asked the sergeant who was standing there, “Is it legal for you to whip a Roman citizen who hasn’t had a trial?”


First up. Paul little gangsta. He waits until they were about to tie him up to say, “BTW.”

Stretch : Proteinó : stretch out, tie up, extend before, prostrate.


I’ll confess, stretching is never comfortable, but it is necessary. I’ll be stretched. Thank you.

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