Morning Star
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May 1, 2022

Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for a new day. Not just any day, but the first day of a new month on the first day of the week. Thank you for waking me up on time. Thank you for your love and grace and for your strength that is made perfect in my weakness. 

Question: how is your strength made perfect in my weakness when you are already perfect? (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Your strength becomes evident to us. Those who have the thorn. Those who see the thorn in us. We would be like, ” What kind of God is this who can do such mighty things with something so insignificant/broken/painful?”

It exalts Yahweh in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. So it’s not that you “become perfect” because you already are, but because you are “seen” as perfect. It’s like watching two men attempting to lift a car (why a car? I don’t know). One man is muscled. His steps shake the ground as he walks. He’s like six feet, ten inches – essentially The Rock. And then there’s this skinny guy who you don’t even hear coming and can’t even find clothes to fit properly on him unless they were tailored. And as bad as it sounds – who has arms and legs like toothpicks.

They both go to pick up the car. The Muscles is able to shift the car a whole three feet and the crowd goes wild. Yes!! He just schooled the next guy. The crowd starts to leave, those who staying do so with the intent to laugh at Toothpick. Then everyone falls silent. Because Toothpick just picked up the car and moved it about fifteen feet. How did he do that? Is it magic? When he’s asked a question directly and he says, I didn’t do anything, I had help. Everyone would want to know who it was that helped him. Who is so powerful that they would put to shame the feat of Muscles. And he would say “Yahweh.” And in our eyes we see someone who is strong, who is able to transform: who is perfect. You were always perfect, but we are better able to see it. 

Thank you for my weakness. Thank you for your strength. Day by day, thank you for being my help. Your incredible grace in my life. Thank you for who you are. 

Yahweh, we are weak right now. This country. We may want to feel that we are strong, but we aren’t. Open your eyes to our weakness so that we can see you at work in us. Help us to rely on you, to see that you are the one that sets up and takes down. But unless we allow you to sit on the throne, the battle is lost. Humble us Yahweh, so that we will lift our eyes to you and listen to your prophets and turn from our wicked ways. Cleanse us from the spirits that roam. Restore us in your holy name so that we can call you blessed, our Lord and King. Restore us to your truth. Give us clarity of mind to worship you in truth, with our hearts humbled and our hands lifted to you.

Dwell among us Yahweh, make us your temple so that you can live in us and draw others closer to you. Thank you for your strength. We will trust you.

The sad thing is?  All the things that are being done are doing no good. The country has been going off the rails, and that’s why we need you. 

Jeremiah 7:18-19 – Children gather wood, fathers light fires, and women knead dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven. They pour out wine offerings to other gods in order to make me furious. They aren’t really provoking me,” declares the Lord. “But they are harming themselves to their own shame.

We are harming ourselves. That is so true. It is not you being harmed. It’s not you who is dying, it’s us. And you’re angry, not so much because it hurts you directly, but because it hurts you to see us hurting ourselves. You are angry because we are hurting ourselves. 

You ask for us to obey and we don’t. And honestly the only thing I know to do is to pray and seek your face. Help us to turn from our wicked ways and heal this land. Heal the people. Restore our hearts to you so that you wouldn’t be angry anymore. The leaders, Yahweh  Harden not their hearts so that they would leave this country the way that you desire. You are our father and you’re the only one that can save us from ourselves. Your strength is evident when we are weak and we are. We can’t even begin to save ourselves. So save us, father. Heal us, set us back as your sons and daughters. Don’t forget us please. Don’t force us out of your sight. Restore us to you so that your name would be glorified. Your holy and precious name. I love you.

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