The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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February 27, 2023


5:47 am : cooking (well, the fire cooking. I’m overseeing). 

Confession: I love to cook, but I don’t like to cook. What’s the difference you ask? I can cook really well (no, not boasting, just stating a fact). I enjoy cooking. I love the result when good food is enjoyed. But I don’t want to cook everyday. There are some weeks that I don’t even want to cook in a week. Or if I cook, it’s something that’s quick and easy. I’m a big proponent of meal prepping and do it a lot. But there are the days when I cook. And I mean I cook. Not a little bit and not the everyday. It’s never the same taste even if it’s the “same” recipe. Those days I organise what starts first (usually what will take the longest) and have it timed to a T.

Today I’m cooking for the office. Wasn’t my intent, but it seemed like no one wanted to do it. So I said I would. The part that I’m doing is stewed chicken, coconut curry fish (must have the coconut high up there) and dumpling. Not complicated in the least but for 30 people, it will take time.

I remember this show where folks competed against Bobby Flay. The regular people judged the winner. He went up against a Trini. And lost. Here’s why I know he would lose. He seasoned his meat just before he started to cook. Nothing wrong with that, I’ve done it. But we were taught to season meat and let it soak in (sometimes days in the fridge). So when you bite into it, the flavour all the way to the bone. And while when cooking just seasoned meat, it does season through, it’s not the same. I don’t know why. But for now, the kitchen smells sweet.


3:13 pm : in my car, tired.

The good news? Most folks thought the food was catered. The bad news? I’m so tired. Glad they enjoyed though. I’m taking Thursday off. Why not Tuesday or Wednesday? Meetings already scheduled.


7:09 pm : in my bed

Yahweh, help me to stay fixed on you. I’m trying not to think anything though.

What am I thankful though? 

  1. The day is over.
  2. I’m in my bed.
  3. The loud disgusting music from the neighbour.
  4. Feeling aroused

No, not all these are fun. Confession? Sometimes I feel like breaking the neighbour’s speaker. It’s horrible how loudly he plays it and the music not even nice. It turns out that several neighbours have spoken to him about it, but he doesn’t care. Yahweh, help us. I’m not sure how you will help, but please help. Stop the music. Thank you for your deliverance.

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