January 17, 2022
Yahweh, thank you for today. It went nothing according to plan, but! I do know that things happen or not happen for a reason. I’m trying my best not to be anxious for anything, to rest in you. And on the other hand, am I allowed to be excited about the fulfilment of your promises? The ones that are still in the future? Because honestly sometimes I’m not sure. I am thankful for life, relative health that would hopefully keep improving each day. Yahweh, calm my heart that I am not concerned about what Jeffers is up to. It’s not my concern. Calm my spirit. I will rest in you.
Where do you want me to focus next? Aaannnddd… That was fast. I’m still on step one of what you’ve given me to do. Help me to be patient, to sit still and rest in you. No lie, step one seems to be taking forever. But you are already working things out. Things that I don’t see and probably never will. Thank you Yahweh for the opportunity to rest in you: to spend time with you.
Thank you for your strength for today and your hope for tomorrow. Lay your hands on mom, she fell today. The bumps and bruises are in your hands, heal her Yahweh. Keep her strong in you.Â
Romans 8: 25 – But if we hope for what we don’t see, we eagerly await it with perseverance.
Eagerly: strong desire to do or have something
Perseverance: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.Â
It’s okay to be excited about Yahweh’s promises. So I’m going to be excited, but won’t rush into anything else.
- Mom’s health and safety. I pray that the fall didn’t aggravate anything.
- The gym
- Rest in you
Yahweh, I lift up PC before you. Search his heart and restore it to you. There is so much going on and he’s physically alone. I pray that he will find rest indeed in you. Thank you Yahweh for your grace.