"Speak up" in white letter with gold background
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February 25, 2023


6:10am : attempting to sleep longer but it wasn’t happening

Thank you Yahweh for another day. A day that you made. We often speak about creation week as though you stopped creating at the end of it, but you haven’t. You are still creating, you are still making things new. You are still God and it’s your nature to be creative. You are amazing in your majesty and mercy. You are God. Thank you for still being God.

So a thought: when we often speak about things that distract us from Yahweh, we often think of our problems, stresses etc. but even the “good” things can distract and I dare say that it is more distracting than the “bad” things. But in all this we have to fix our focus on Jesus. Whether good or bad.


9:04am : in my car

Laughing. One of the guys at the top of the hill watched my car this morning and said he needed to come and wash it. Honestly I had to smile (and laugh) and said that by the time I use the vehicle again it would be muddy/dusty. I go off-road too much to maintain the vehicle in pristine condition.


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