Morning Star
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April 27, 2022


Whether it’s ten minutes or one hour, each is a step towards you. Help me not to get caught up in perfection but to be caught up in you. Thank you for the season and preparation and. I am truly thankful for your revelation. You reveal, but not always showing the time. I will trust you. You are the only one who has shown himself to be trustworthy. Thank you for this time with you.
When you have set aside a time, a place to worship, it’s not for us to change or ignore. You set the times, the place, the seasons. You are the God – your timing is perfect and was established for a reason for that you have chosen; your chosen ones will inherit. Those who have not abandoned you. You are calling:

Isaiah 65:12 – Now I will destine you for death. All of you will bow to be slaughtered. I called, but you didn’t answer. I spoke, but you didn’t listen. You did what I consider evil. You chose what I don’t like.

Yahweh, help me to always hear when you call and to answer. Your people who are called by your name. Help us to surrender to you in humility and to honour you. To do what you are calling us to do and to have a relationship with you. To share your good news to others.
Help us be your true servants in spirit and in truth. Baptize us in your Holy Spirit to do your will. It is so amazing how much you desire to rejoice in and with your people. If only we weren’t so stiff-necked.

Isaiah 65:19 – I will rejoice about Jerusalem and be glad about my people. Screaming and crying will no longer be heard in the city.

Your default setting is to rejoice in your people. You’ve always decided what is best for us: your servants to sing because of gladness, you servants to eat and drink, your servants to enjoy what they’ve done. It’s so funny, that work has always been a part of your plans for us – even before our fall. It’s also intriguing to realise that you yourself was never idle. Truthfully too often we desire a life of “leisure” but that isn’t the life you are calling us for. We have to still plant, to still build, to live. But to live a life in surrender to you. To live a life where our work is not in vain.

A life where you answer before we call (Isaiah 65:24) because communication lines between us are so clear. There is nothing that would come between us. Everything that you should threaten us would be tamed and put on the submission. Nothing will hurt or destroy anyone on his holy mountain (Isaiah 65:25).

Thank you Yahweh for your saving grace, for hearing and answering before we even called. For desiring a relationship with us. Help us to remain humble in you. You are alone are worthy of praise.

So this morning at the end of a prayer session, someone said, “I don’t ask God for anything. I just praise him because he knows what I need.”
I’ve heard this statement so many times and believed it for a long time. Yes, Yahweh knows what we need, after all he’s God. But in a relationship with our family, friends whoever and we need something, don’t we ask them? Don’t we also take pleasure in someone coming to us for help and us giving it when you know we can? Imagine a parent watching a child struggling with something that they (the parent)!can easily do without stunting the growth of their child, but having to sit back and wait to see if the child will finally ask for help. And of course get the help they need. Well who is our father? He is still waiting for us to ask.

James 4:2-3 – You want what you don’t have, so you commit murder. You’re determined to have things, but you can’t get what you want. You quarrel and fight. You don’t have the things you want, because you don’t pray for them. When you pray for things, you don’t get them because you want them for the wrong reason—for your own pleasure.

I no longer think I shouldn’t ask Yahweh, but I examine myself first – why am I asking? Search my own heart and then I allow Yahweh to also search it.

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