time with Yahweh during the day
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January 17, 2022

Sigh. Yahweh, what would have happened if I hadn’t said I would walk away? Where would I have been? 


I walked away. Tears in my eyes. Bawling. But I walked away. In my heart of hearts, I had hopes of it only being for a short while. But I am thankful that I walked away and I chose you. And then you made me a promise and gave me a time frame and I had a different set of tears this time, because you promised that your version of what I walked away from would be better. So much better. And that I would also be better because I was willing to give up what I wanted. Thank you for your promises.

Spiritual warfare is about authority. Who are we giving authority to in our lives?

James 4:7 – Submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Submit:- Accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority of another person.

Resist:- Struggle against someone, withstand action or effects of. 

We need to submit our lives, our will to God. Without that submission we are unable to resist the devil. Resistance is not passive. We have to actively fight against the devil and his temptations. He is cunning and we need to be diligent. Yahweh, help me to remain submitted to you and stand against the devil. You are the God of Angel Armies and you are superior. Thank you for your help at all times. 

Yahweh, you are truly a good God. Your mercy is everlasting. You comfort me when I need it, reminding me over and over that you got this. You are working behind the scenes, writing our stories. You’re putting things in place that no matter how bleak or insignificant it looks right now, you are working it out. 

Philippians 2: 13 – It is God who produces in you the desires and actions that please him.

Yahweh works in us to produce a good thing. It is a never-ending source of Grace and love, but we need to constantly tap into it. We need to allow him into our lives and to submit to him.

John 5:17 – Jesus replied to him, my father is working right now, and so am I.

Yahweh is working all the time. And for us and so should we. Don’t think that this means we never rest, because even when we rest and come apart we are working but we are working on us. We are called to grow continually with Yahweh and to also work for him. Everything in its season.

God changes caterpillars into butterflies. Sand into pearls and coal in the diamonds by using time and pressure. He is working on you too.

It’s funny (good funny), when Yahweh always sends assurance before you even need it. There was a moment when I was concerned once more about how to sort out my finances. This morning’s message was about God’s working behind the scenes, but even before I remember the message I decided to worship God instead of worrying and then continued to type up the journal entries. The next thing I typed up had to do with finances and his promise to lead and teach. Yahweh, I am thankful that before I even asked, you sent your answer. Thank you for your attention and your promises. Thank you for working on my behalf.


Soooo. How does a relationship get deeper? How do I get closer to you? How do I get to know you better? 

Keep doing what you’re doing.

I was actually searching for how to have deep conversations with God. It’s not funny. Sometimes (ok, it kinda is), I wonder if I should pray about world events and things like that, but I find it hard to because it is out of my realm of influence. My mind is naturally inclined to be anxious and to worry and I realise that all this news made me worry more and there was nothing I could do about it! But what can I do in my community? My workplace? At church? How can I have an impact there?

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