time with Yahweh during the day
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June 11, 2022


Speyside! I must confess with no hesitation. Ah love me island! It’s pretty and (thankfully) mostly safe and just nice to drive and/or walk around. On our way to Speyside (Steph came along also), I saw an old lady with a cane by the side of the road trying to catch a car. Turned out it was two old ladies, one with a walker and one with a cane and they were both going to church. So we took them to church. They tried to pay me. Even though she knew I wasn’t charging, because she started out, “I know you’re not taking any money but here.” And was giving me $20. I was nope. She kept insisting. We reached a compromise: put it in the offering bowl at church. Lol. 

And then! Coming back from Speyside we met an old guy also waiting for car by the road.  So we took him up to. But he had a more scenic tour as we passed him by a beach and a waterfall on our way down. It was fun. I’m glad I went if for no other reason than to see the countryside. Thank you. I know initially I was uncertain about coming back home, but I also don’t regret it. Thank you for your guidance everyday. 


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