The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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March 1, 2023


6:58 pm : In my bed. Yes, I’m tired.

Yahweh, it will come to pass. Your word. Your promise. You are my hope. In you I live and have my being. You are my God. Thank you for all that you are. Thank you for all you have done. Thank you for the fulfillment of your prophecy. Today was a day. I forgot we were to lead out in a prayer session and got a call just before I logged into another one. But I literally used what I had just read about to jump off. Thank you for your ideas and power and strength.

Today  I met a guy in reference to work. He has some awesome ideas that we can implement and I’m looking forward to seeing where the department goes with it. Yahweh, thank you for using me. For your movements even when I don’t see it (like the breeze). But you are here and I am grateful for everything. I bring before you, me. I know there are requests that I am contending for, but above all I desire a heart fixed on you. That what I do will be pleasing to you. That my words would be yours. My heart is yours. Every desire is laid at your feet. I pray for provision in this season. For your grace to do what I am to do. To honour you in all things.

Thank you for being the source of everything!!! I love you. Amen.


What am I thankful for today?      

  1. A day dedicated to Yahweh in the midst of the busyness.
  2. Total awwww moment when someone said I am a good manager. Thank you. By your grace.
  3. I am hungry. It means I did not eat physical food and it means I remained disciplined today.
  4. Nothing is impossible with Yahweh.

Thank you for being my hope. Amen.

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