January 14, 2022
You can separate waiting from hoping, since you can wait for bad news, impending doom (dum, dum, dum, dum). But you cannot separate hoping from waiting as you are waiting in anticipation of something good happening. Yahweh, I pray for healing. Physical. The toothache triggered a migraine. It is easing, but still affecting me in waves.
I’m supposed to collect my test contacts today. It’s been almost three years since I’ve worn contacts. It’s after three this morning. The headache is not the most pleasant thing to write through. Yahweh, I think I need to postpone for medical reasons. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for healing.
There are some numbers that just seem appropriate as milestones. It’s been sixty days!! Sixty days of walking with Yahweh; of choosing to spend quality time with him. It’s an awesome feeling. (The Youversion app has been keeping track).
But there is a flip side that I didn’t realise also coincided with today. Nov 14. Sixty days ago was the day I parted with Jeffers. So today is, I guess, bittersweet. I do miss him a lot. But I’m thankful that I don’t miss Yahweh because I have been spending time with him. He has sustained me. He has healed me (and yes, even though I miss Jeffers, I do know that I have been healed). He has given me a vision (and the first step). He has provided. He is my father. He is my friend.
Thank you for loving me and keeping me. Thank you for spending time ( spending time is such a funny phrase) with me. Thank you for forgiving me and for giving me a hope and a future. I pray each day for a closer walk with you. I love you Yahweh.
Now seems like a good time to study numbers in the Bible. Transitioning from delayed hope. I do believe everything happens for a reason and in its time. Didn’t feel that “call” to start before. I kept being steered in other directions. Even delayed hope came at the best time. So while there are obvious numbers of significance in the Bible I will start with 60. Seems appropriate. Let’s see what I discover.
Song of Songs 3: 7 – Look Solomon’s carriage. 60 soldiers from the army of Israel surround it.
The royal procession of Solomon had 60 valiant men around his carriage (kind of funny though that the first 60 that came up is preceded by a young woman looking for her love and finding him).
60 soldiers to protect Solomon’s bride as she is travelling to him she is protected. She is kept safe. Why 60? Not sure yet other than showing the power and might of Solomon.
Spiritually it also shows Yahweh’s power and might in protecting his church. In protecting what is his.
Matthew 13:8 – But other seeds were planted on good ground and produce grain. They produced 100, 60 or 30 times as much as was planted.
A measure of food / grain produced when the good news is shared.
Number 7:88 – The total number of animals for fellowship or friends with 24 bulls, 60 rams, 60 male goats and 60 1-year-old male lambs. These were the gifts for the dedication of the altar after it was anointed. 1 Kings 6:17 – The 60 ft long room at the front of the temple serves as the main hall.
The main hall – the area between the courtyard where the people gathered and the holy of holies where God lived was 60 ft. (No revelation as yet, just research).
Leviticus 27: 7- For a man 60 years all over, give 6 oz and for a woman give 4 oz. 60 years – seems not to be considered as strong as those 20 to 60. (To be expected). Genesis 25:26 – Afterwards his brother was born with his hand holding on to Esau’s heel and so he was named Jacob. Isaac was 60 years old when they were born.
Isaac had children at the age where your ability to work decreased. When, if a covenant was made that required payment it was less than someone between 20 to 60. Basically transitioning to old age.
SIDEBAR: Apparently Sabbath (the word) occurs 60 times in the New testament. Who actually thinks to count these things?
Sixty almost seems transitional. Moving from adult to senior citizen. Moving from the courtyard to the most holy. Isaac at 60, New generation born.
Personally, I do believe that I am in a transitional time. From the me that used to be, to the me that Yahweh is calling me to be. It can take up to 60 days to form and maintain a new habit. Here’s to a new day. Thank you for your changes in me; for embracing me.
60 – transition – cycles
Seconds, minutes, days
Repeated cycles