July 14, 2022
It is wayyyyyyyyy past my bedtime. But it was worth it. Had a practice tonight for a praise and worship session tomorrow. Took me a while to warm up because I hadn’t sung with this group of people before, but we ended up working well together. I think. Yeah. We did. Got home after ten. Thankful that I am home safely. Hope I will be able to sleep still.
Today is over and thank you for your unmistakable words in my life. Thank you for your grace that allows me to believe and to hope. Thank you for truly being the author and finisher of my faith. Help me to be a blessing to others. To shine your light so that others can see you.
- No accidents even though they tried hard to take me out.
- Singing (in the rain). Just singing (in the rain). It was raining, but we were inside.
- Being justified by faith.
Good night. Thank you for you.