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April 17, 2022


As I look at the end Yahweh has shown to me so far, one thing is obvious: none of them are short-term plans that can be accomplished in a matter of days. And that is not a declaration of unbelief that he doesn’t work miracles, but when I look at how he has been steering so far and the end result that he has shown, he can “make it happen” tomorrow or he can build a solid foundation for everything to stand on.
Including me being prepared. To be changed, to grow into who he desires me to be. Yesterday I was asked how I was doing? And the best answer that came to me was that I was at peace. Because I was. I still don’t know how all (or any) of his plans would be accomplished, but I know the step I’m standing on and the next step I’m supposed to climb up (cause it’s a climb/clamber up and not just a lift your foot up type of step). And between that step and the final destination? Dense clouds. I see the destination ehhh, just not how I’m getting there. And that’s quite okay with me. (Though I’m sure, there will be a new destination when I get to that one).


  1. Beach lime and hike!! (And just yesterday I was wondering if to cancel it).
  2. Boat ride (been a hot minute since I’ve been on a boat).
  3. Rest (somehow the rest after the beach is sweeter).

Thank you Yahweh for the day. In nature, in fellowship. Thank you!

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