June 20, 2022
Good Morning Yahweh. I just had a revelation. I was just thinking how much I miss the daily interactions of what to study for the day. And thought that it would be great if it would start back. And then I realised that you only spoon feed children. As we get older, methods change and what is taught is changed. And I literally remember praying that I grow from milk to meat in my relationship and study of you.
Which also means that I need to be intentional in my study time also. Last night, I also realised how different translations are or rather the impact of different translations. Last year, there was a scripture that you gave me, Luke 1:45 (November 26, 2021). The translation I first heard it in said, “You are blessed.” It was powerful then. Then I read it recently in Luke and I (sorta) just passed over it. But just before you had given me the scripture again and I made note of it. But last night, the scripture was pressed on my mind again and I decided to save an image of it on my phone. This time, when I search what came up was, “Blessed is she…” and for some reason, the “she” just hit hard. The “you” did make its presence felt. But reading “she” last night somehow made it extra special as a woman.
“I am blessed.”
“You are blessed.”
“She is blessed.”
Thank you Yahweh for your blessings in my life. Thank you for speaking with me and reminding me that you truly care and that you desire that I believe in you with my whole heart. I pray that every day, my heart and mind are renewed in you. That I choose to trust you and do what you are calling me to do and also to be willing to step out, not out of your will, but with your guidance. I pray that whatever is done will be to your glory. That it won’t just be for show. Thank you for being the centre of my life. For being the foundation and the roof. I pray that whatever is built would be so firmly grounded in you that there would be no separation between you and me. Yahweh, I pray for this household that we will be fixed on you. That we would be united in your name. That your spirit would live not just in this house, but in us and be released to all that we come in contact with. Thank you for you.
Luke 1:45 (NIV) – Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!
It truly comes back to belief. Every time it comes back to belief. Time and time again, you ask for belief/faith/trust. It is truly the love language that your heart desires. It is what moves you to do what seems impossible to us.
Mark 9:23 – Jesus said to him, “As far as possibilities go, everything is possible for the person who believes.”
And you are also willing to help those who cry out for help in believing. And I think, I know now, that’s why every time I cry out, you remind and help, because you also desire that my faith grow. Just as the father asked for help in his faith (Mark 9:24).
Mark 11:24 – That’s why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever you pray for, and it will be yours.
Jeremiah 32:27 – I am the Lord God of all humanity. Nothing is too hard for me
Do you know what I am also realising? I can’t be so stuck to one way of doing things. In the sense where – we expect things to “look” a certain way. So we fight to have things done a certain way. But you are actually trying to nudge us to re-evaluate how we do things. What we expect something to look like. And it should not be looked at with disappointment but with expectation. Knowing that when you close a door that it’s not because of unbelief or you’re saying no, but many times you are saying, not that way, or not there.
And we need to trust you. Believe in you and move forward in that belief even if it looks different to what we thought it would look like. Yahweh, I see your guidance. What do I need to learn? To still grow still? I see movements in so many aspects of my life, but the house plans seem to be moving at a snail’s pace. But today I’m choosing that instead of hustling the draughtsman, to ask you – what do I need still in this season?
Patience. To truly rest in you. Not a physical rest anymore.
Hebrews 3:19 – So we see that they couldn’t enter his place of rest because they didn’t believe.
And it comes back to believing.
Hebrews 4:1-7 – God’s promise that we may enter his place of rest still stands. We are afraid that some of you think you won’t enter his place of rest. 2 We have heard the same Good News that your ancestors heard. But the message didn’t help those who heard it in the past because they didn’t believe.
3 We who believe are entering that place of rest. As God said, “So I angrily took a solemn oath that they would never enter my place of rest.” God said this even though he had finished his work when he created the world. 4 Somewhere in Scripture God has said this about the seventh day: “On the seventh day God rested from all his work.”
5 God also said in the same passage, “They will never enter my place of rest.” 6 However, some people enter that place of rest. Those who heard the Good News in the past did not enter God’s place of rest because they did not obey God. 7 So God set another day. That day is today. Many years after your ancestors failed to enter that place of rest God spoke about it through David in the passage already quoted: “If you hear God speak today, don’t be stubborn.”
Today. I will not be stubborn. Today I will rest in you. Today I believe.
Miracle in the Works – Maverick City Music
Thank you Yahweh for the place. Even at its highest cost it is bang on budget. Thank you for your provision and your word. I pray for those you have placed in my care. I pray that their hearts will be open to you. To trust you in all things to learn of you and come to know you for themselves.