Morning Star
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July 1, 2022


Yahweh. Thank you.

The seventh month of the year.

Seven symbolises completeness, perfection, healing, fulfilment of promises, purification.

There are seven churches:

Seven angels to the churches

Seven seals

Seven trumpet plagues

Seven thunders

Seven last plagues

Huh. There were seven miracles Jesus did on the seventh-day Sabbath. It’s funny I never think to count things like that. 

Yahweh repeated his promises to Abraham seven times (this one I counted).

Of course, creation took seven days, ending with Yahweh resting on the seventh day to complete everything.

Seventy times seven. Forgiveness (though this truly means don’t bother to count how many times we forgive someone).


Jesus used seven metaphors for himself:

  1. The Bread of Life: John 6:35
  2. The Light of the World: John 8:12
  3. The Gate of Salvation: John 10:9
  4. The Good Shepherd: John 10:11
  5. The Resurrection and the Life: John 11:25-26
  6. The Way, the Truth and the Life: John 14:6
  7. The Vine: John 15:5


The word of the Lord is Flawless: purified.

Psalm 12:6 – The promises of the Lord are pure, like silver refined in a furnace and purified seven times.

Purification: why this is truly speaking to me is that the focus for this week is on the refiner’s fire. 

Proverbs 17:3 – The crucible is for refining silver and the smelter for gold, but the one who purifies hearts by fire is the Lord.

Job 28:1 – There is a place where silver is mined and a place where gold is refined.

Daniel 3:19 – Nebuchadnezzar was so filled with anger toward Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that his face turned red. He ordered that the furnace should be heated seven times hotter than normal.

Who gets the glory?

Daniel 4:34 –  At the end of the seven time periods, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up to heaven, and my mind came back to me. I thanked the Most High, and I praised and honored the one who lives forever, because his power lasts forever and his kingdom lasts from one generation to the next.

Yahweh, you are always there through every trial, through all rejoicing. I pray that even if I think I didn’t see you that I will trust you. I pray for your grace and covering that in the end I will come out as pure gold. Your promises would be purified. Three days ago I was trying to figure out what to do for this week. This was the first time in a long time that I felt so unprepared for a programme. The idea, “The Refiner’s Fire” came and did not leave. I still felt unprepared, even unfocused while preparing. But the truth is (as I;m thinking now), we are never truly prepared  for the refiner’s fire, for the fire period. But whether we are prepared, you are here. You are in the midst. You are there protecting the precious material that you aim to purify. Not gonna lie, I feel a bit terrified. 

But you will make me strong. 

But you will be beside me. 

But you are the source of my strength.

But you are my healer. 

Thank you Yahweh for who you are. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for refining me. Keep me Yahweh in your will. In humility. In honour to you. Until you return or call me home. Thank you for being here with me. In your strength.



I love your voice. You have led me through the fire. In darkest night you are close like no other. I’ve known you as a father. I’ve known you as a friend. And I have lived in the goodness of God.

The Israelites walked around the walls of Jericho seven days and on the seventh day, seven times. With seven priests blowing seven trumpets. 

Yahweh, thank you for this process, I will trust you. My confidence is in you.

Thank you for reminding me. I can’t believe I forgot that today is a day of rest with you. Thank you for being my memory. For preparing me. I pray that I keep my focus on you. First year when I started my locs everyone kept saying, “Trust the process.” This month, I will say, “Trust the promise, not the process.” Because if I focus on the process, I may lose heart. But when I focus on you, I will have hope. 

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