time with Yahweh during the day
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April 23, 2022

As I sat in my car after church, the question came to mind: why were we always told to pray secretly? The reason given is that Satan would hear and that he would answer especially if it’s outside of God’s will.  Essentially we don’t want to give Satan ammunition to tempt us. But is that the right thing? As I sat there a scripture came to mind (as usual I had to find the chapter and verse but I remembered the scripture itself).

2 Corinthians 4:13 – The following is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke.” We have that same Spirit of Faith – we also believe, therefore we also speak. 

We don’t speak in our minds. We speak out loud. If it’s in our minds, it’s a thought. So once we believe we should speak out loud. But the other part that truly hit me: what type of God do we think (lol) we serve? If something we ask for is not according to Yahweh’s will and we are walking in his will, what power does Satan have over Yahweh to bring it to pass? None!! If Yahweh is in that plan, it will come to pass. If he is not, no power in hell will let it come to fruition. We need to know the God we serve and stop limiting him! 

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