Morning Star
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September 14, 2022



Search me O God and know my heart today.

Try me O Saviour, know my thoughts I pray.

See if there be some wicked way in me.

Cleanse me from every sin and set me free.


Yahweh, I know that I am not perfect. No one is, because we have all fallen short of your glory. But you know the secret places of my heart. The places that I and all don’t see and know. Search me Yahweh. Reveal where I am wrong and correct me. Show me the path I am to follow. Where I am to go. I surrender all to you, for your correction, for you to do your will.

Yahweh, you correct those you love and even though it feels harsh in the moment, I would prefer that to being abandoned by you. I would prefer that than having to search for you and not find you. Search me instead and reveal the next that is not of you. Shine your light in me so that I can show forth your light and your love.

Thank you for being God.

Thank you for loving us so much to leave us in the mess that we created.

Yahweh, I bring before you the leaders of this island. They are fighting: tooth and nail. Publicly. While it’s probably better to be honest about the issues, they are so busy fighting that they aren’t serving the people as they should. Yahweh, I don’t even know what to ask, other than I pray that they seek your face. I pray that they put aside pettiness. That they put aside ago and do the work that they ought to do. When the leaders do wrong, they lead the country wrong. Help them to stay on the path you have set before them forgive them Yahweh of their sins. Cleanse them.

The leaders of your church, your people. I pray that they also set ego aside. That we all humble ourselves before you and seek your face and turn from our wicked ways. Help us Yahweh to trust you and to live for you. Heal this land, Yahweh. Heal us – from unfaithfulness. From sickness. From immorality. Help us to choose right.

To choose you and to honour you. Help us to truly love others the way you love and to show others that love. Help us Yahweh. Heal us. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

2 Kings 19:34 – “I will shield this city to rescue it for my sake and for the sake of my servant David.”

Jeremiah 30:17 – I’ll restore your health and heal your wounds,” declares the Lord. “People call you an outcast: Zion, no one cares for you.

Jeremiah 33:6-7 –  “But I will heal this city and restore it to health. I will heal its people, and I will give them peace and security. I will restore Judah and Israel and rebuild them as they were before.

Yahweh save us. Heal us and restore us to you. To do your will. To be a good example of who you are and what you desire of your people. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for your healing. I love you.

the words "Heal this Land"


You know. There are parts of myself that I feel or rather I’ve often felt needs to be changed. For instance, I am very logical. And I have often felt that to truly worship and to serve Yahweh, I need to not be logical. But this morning, I realised that in trying to dampen that part of me, I am denying the way Yahweh made me. There are things that needs to be worked on, but like my imagination, logic should become part of the way that I serve Yahweh and do what he has called me to do.

Yahweh, I surrender my logical brain to you. For your will. Teach me how to use it in service to you.

Logical: Capable of reasoning or of using reason in an orderly fashion.

You need logical and imaginative people in your kingdom. Thank you for making me for you.

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