Morning Star
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September 3, 2022


Thank you Yahweh for a new day. I am not going to stop saying that: in fact, Imma say it again. Thank you for a new day. Thank you for waking me up. For provisioning breath in my lungs. For all that you’ve done for me and thank you for who you are to me. Thank you.

It’s the last day of this week. The seventh day. A day of rest. A holy day unto you. Thank you for being such a wise and caring God who knew that we would need time to rest and instituted it for us since the beginning of time. Many times, I look forward to this day, just for the opportunity to rest – though it’s not the only purpose for the day. But I am thankful.

Thank you Yahweh for your words that will not return to you empty. I think about our young people (Lol, just claiming a tiny, teeny bit of them – they are truly yours). So much is bound up in them. Yahweh, help them to live out there calling in you. That as we guide, we would do so the way that you desire and that they will seek you for themselves. They would desire a relationship with you. I pray that as older adults we would show your love. That living a life in you is a joy and not slavery. Though Paul says we are as slaves: I had to go looking for the scripture and I (sorta) stand corrected. He does say, “Paul, a bondservant/slave,” but it’s not meant as punitive, but as someone who willingly dedicated himself to you. It reminds me of the scripture Deuteronomy 15:17 where a servant  was so pleased with his master that he would pierce his ear so that he would remain a bondservant in his master’s house until he/she died.

We belong to you, through creation, through sacrifice, but you still desire that we make the choice of ourselves to bind ourselves to you. You are truly a compassionate God, one who cares and shows that he cares. Thank you Yahweh for your love for us. Thank you for your everlasting love. Cleanse us Yahweh. Restore us to you so that when you return we will be ready to meet you. I look forward to that day. Thank you for saving me.


The Entire Bible!

Yahweh, can you believe it!! Happy dance!! I just finished reading your word at 12:56 am on September 3rd, 2022. I’ve read the entire Bible.  I started May 1, 2022. It took me four months and three days to complete. Not gonna lie, I thought I would finish in one month. But there is reading for reading sake a dn reading for comprehension. And while I don’t remember everything, I understood what I read. And guess what? Tomorrow I start over again – using a different translation. (Not KJV – cause this not easy to read). Whoohoooo!!

It’s been ninety days science the blog was launched. Not gonna lie, it’s been ninety days of going through the fire and the flood, but I am thankful that you have promised that I will not be harmed. I am thankful that you will never leave me nor forsake me. I may not always understand why you do what you do, but I do know it’s for my good and that it will glorify you.

I came to the realisation a couple days ago that the restoration that you desired in August wasn’t necessarily one of a physical nature, but one of a spiritual nature – where sins (hidden sins) were revealed and confessed so that you and I could be in right relationship.

Thank you for restoring me. Thank you for loving me so much that you could not leave me in the mess that you found me. Thank you Yahweh. I pray for the grace to allow you to continue your work in me. Thank you. I love you.

Guess what? After sitting at the same weight from since May, the scale moved!! Whoohoo!!

I’m a bit torn: going to church or resting. I actually was able to sleep last night some good hours. I think I’ll go. Just won’t rush because today feels like a day of quiet – no rushing, just peace and quiet. I have to find clothes to wear though. Water pressure was so unpredictable this week, didn’t get to wash really.


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