January 20, 2022
I just have to make it through today. Don’t think about tomorrow. Just today. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I won’t focus on my physical. Yahweh, please pray for me.
- A quiet neighbour.
- Yahweh’s messages / reminders.Â
- Able to work on the blog. Well type up so far. Finished one journal.
The devil understands the power of repetition and he uses it as a weapon. Honestly something I feel like I’m repeating things to try to feel better but it does help to repeat it. I need to tap into the power of repetition, so I will keep repeating and repeating. When weakness is tapping at my door – I can do all things. When 2-3 years seem like a long time to wait – I can do all things through Christ. When work frustrates me and leaves me feeling helpless – I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Strength for today. Provision for today. Healing for today. Hope for tomorrow.Â
I believe in Yahweh’s promises and I trust in his timing. And when it seems like the day is long, I will repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat. And honestly, folks may make fun of it, but when I think about it it’s truly good to repeat something over and over that it becomes a permanent part of our lives. Thank you Yahweh for being my strength. Little by little. Remember and repeat as often as necessary.
SIDEBAR: It’s been 8 months since my hair was microlocked and finally! The majority of the locs have stopped slipping! I am attempting to go longer without re-ties. I am thankful that while I enjoy looking at manicured and styled locs that I’m not personally tied to a rigid re-tie schedule. Yayyyy!
“When Never Meets Now”
Okay. Okay. Okay. I’m officially shook. I started listening to a sermon titled “When Never Meets Now”. I wasn’t going to listen to it at all, because I was like my “never” is in the future. (This is speaking about times when I thought certain things would never happen. Yes, I received a word that it will so I have made that change from “never”). But while listening to the pastor he says that sometimes we get a message and we don’t want to accept it because it doesn’t apply to our now. But it might apply to us tomorrow. At that point, I said, “Or for me in 3 years.” My mouth dropped open because he then said you may need the message in three years! I stopped what I was doing (moisturising my hair) and had to write. So many times we wonder how Yahweh will speak to us. This is an example of his speaking and confirmation of what he had already told me.
“We keep asking God to explain it. He keeps telling us to trust it.
We keep asking God to explain it. He keeps telling us to obey it.
We keep asking God to make sense of it. He keeps calling us to walk in it.”
What is the season I am coming into? Can I do it?
The devil is saying never. But God is saying now!!
Why does this strike a chord? Why is this Yahweh’s reminder? I asked Yahweh to pray for me, to make it through today. Just today. Because I didn’t want to think about the 3 years ahead. I asked for strength to make it. This was his reminder to me. I can make it. Now. Today. I don’t and I should not look for the next 3 years. But now I can make it.
Be patient in the process. Thank you for being here for me.Â