March 13, 2022
I don’t know who invented the bed. Who was it that Yahweh inspired to say “Hmmmm! Sleeping on dirt or hard ground it’s not the nicest thing” and the evolution began. But I am thankful for it.
SIDEBAR: I don’t envy any parents. It’s not an easy job. You can do the best you know how and still your child ends up on a path that makes you wonder.
But there are some parents that will have to answer for the monsters that they unleashed on the world. I remember a parent saying in response to someone telling them that they needed to correct their child, “I will take responsibility for my child until…” I’ve lived to see that child get older, bringing home a boyfriend, not getting a job. Didn’t finish high School and then telling the parents, “Ent you say you will take care of me until?” Sigh. The things we will have to give Yahweh account for.
Hmmmmm. I think I like romance when it’s not romance. LOL I know it sounds weird, but movies and books that are usually just pure romance usually leave me rolling my eyes but I realise I like romance as one aspect of a bigger story: whether it’s action, comedy, but not so much drama (real life has enough drama already).