April 15, 2022
It is so easy to get caught up in life that we miss or ignore the signs that we need to recharge. My watch was just plugged into charge. It said it was at one percent. I don’t usually let it run so low, but today it did. The funny thing is that I was doing the usual things: washing the car, praying, preparing dinner. At several points the watch did signal that the battery was low, but I ignored it and went about my business.Â
So often we treat our bodies this way. It has become the norm to always be going and going. How many times are people shamed for taking a day off? We need the rest. Even from “church.” I’ve been “guilted,” or rather people have tried to make me feel guilty for saying no to certain tasks, but at the end of the day when you are overworked and hospitalised, what happens? Still have to rest. I try not to let my body and mind run low, but it is all too easy to get caught up. Yahweh, I pray that in all things that I would be temperate. I’m not much use if I’m dead. Help me to live for you and according to your principles.Â
Thank you for the messages that you have given in your word and for showing me how to live. I pray for your church, that we would be a community who worship you in spirit and in truth. Let our outsides and the insides match to your glory. Too often, we show a public face that seems to honour you, but the life lived when no one sees, is in contradiction to your truth. Help us Yahweh to have our hearts right. That every secret thing would still be a God thing and there will be no shame in it.Â
Isaiah 33:6 – He will be the foundation of your future. The riches of Salvation are wisdom and knowledge. The fear of the Lord is your treasure.Â
I like this scripture. I came upon it while looking for something else. I just had to note it. Back to my regularly scheduled programme.Â
Isaiah 33:15 – The person who does what is right and speaks the truth will live. He rejects getting rich by extortion and refuses to take bribes. He refuses to listen to those who are plotting murders. He doesn’t look for evil things to do.Â
Galatians 6:9 – We can’t allow ourselves to get tired of living the right way. Certainly each of us will receive everlasting life at the proper time, if we don’t give up.Â
Yahweh, help us to live right. Not pretend to, but actually do. This weekend is Easter. While I know it’s not the day that you died and rose again, I choose to recognise that without your death and Resurrection we would not have a chance at life. Not on this earth and definitely not on the earth here after.Â
But not everyone acknowledges you and this weekend has become more about parties than about you. Yahweh, let our hearts be turned to you. Let the music turn off and your word turn on so that people will know you. Too many people are losing their minds, and I pray that they will turn to you. You were lifted up. You are lifted up. May they be drawn to you, may they seek you. Life with you is so much better than the minus parties and drinking. Help us who call ourselves Christians, help us to truly live right so that we aren’t a stumbling block to anyone.Â
You are my God, you are the Saviour of this world. Save us Yahweh. Heal this nation. Thank you for answering prayers. Thank you for being just and good.Â
- The music stopped.
- Clean car (it’s been months).
- Your death and resurrection.
- You saved me.
Thank you Yahweh. Not for show, but in truth.Â
Happy dance!! I finished posting all the entries from 2021. The blog is not live yet. RaeRae is still working on the site between his work-work. I’m behind in typing up the latest entries, but I hope to catch up this weekend and still rest. Should be fun. Really. It should be fun. Will probably park up at a beach and do this.Â
You are my FatherÂ
1 Corinthians 4:15 (GW)- You may have countless Christian guardians, but you don’t have many spiritual fathers. I became your father in the Christian Life by telling you the good news about Christ Jesus.Â
1 Corinthians 4:15 (MSG) – There are a lot of people around who can’t wait to tell you what you’ve done wrong, but there aren’t many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up.Â
Yahweh, thank you for taking the time. Thank you for your revelation. You are my father. You desire to see me grow up in you. To be strong in you. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for nurturing me. I will continue to trust you, to allow you to lead. My covenant is with you. Thank you for sealing me.
I’ve noticed that at times of fasting that I have a lot of energy and it’s harder to fall asleep. Lol. I feel like I’ve come full circle. Not sleeping because of anxiety to sleeping well to not sleeping because I am praying and fasting. Each time I’ve recognised that I’m not sleeping, I get up and pray and I am thankful for that. Previously, I would have sat there (sat?!) worrying about not sleeping.
Yahweh, I pray for Sheryl. She is physically sick. I do not know what the issue is, but you do. Yahweh, surround her and restore her to health. May her life by a living testimony of your goodness. Touch her. I want to visit, but need to find out if it’s okay to do so.Â