time with Yahweh during the day
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January 11, 2022

Yo! The confirmation that Yahweh has been laying on me is insane! My study this morning that initially had me so concerned, revealed that he would not go against someone’s free will. I’m here listening, but what also hit home is when they spoke about rebellion. Free will is something God will not violate. Which is why scripture also says rebellion is like witchcraft.

1 Samuel 15:23 – For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king. 

When we rebel, when we constantly resist Yahweh’s calling and direction, we will lose the anointing we had over our lives. We will lose his spirit. The thing is we may not immediately lose the position that was assigned to us , so we may have a false idea that his spirit is still with us, but we would have lost it. Yahweh, I seriously don’t want to lose your anointing in my life. Where I am resistant, show me. Help me to surrender all to you.

SIDEBAR: I don’t know what you’ve been putting in my morning smoothie, but I’m having energy. My “work, work” for this morning is finished!! Like what?!!

Prayer gives miracles permission to happen.

Yahweh, this art project with tunnels has been on my heart for years. Currently it seems, I’m unable to contact the hotel. I will go to the hotel. Yahweh, prepare the way that it finds favour.

So this meeting went absolutely nothing like I expected!! It was pleasant and favourable, but not in the way I had hoped. The cylinders are actually being sold piece by piece and they thought that’s why I was there. Turns out that the hotel has plans for redeveloping the entire site and I ended up indicating my area of expertise to her. We also spoke about spiritual beliefs and I shared that worship is not just sitting in church. Thank you for the prompting to come down in person. I don’t know what the outcome would be, but it was a wonderful interaction.


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