Notes Soli
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Psalm 35:13 – But when they were sick, I wore sackcloth. I humbled myself with fasting. When my prayer returned unanswered,

This is David. A man after Yahweh’s heart and at times his prayers weren’t answered. It wasn’t that Yahweh told him to wait, it wasn’t answered or as the KJV says, “it returned to his bosom.” In a weird way, this is the most encouraging thing. Knowing that if I don’t get a response to a specific prayer that I’m in good company.

Psalm 35:19 – Do not let my treacherous enemies gloat over me. Do not let those who hate me for no reason wink at me.

And clearly the side eye, the bad eye, the epic eye roll all existed even in Bible times. There truly is nothing new under the sun.

Psalm 38:2 – Your arrows have struck me. Your hand has struck me hard.

This is the part that I must admit isn’t fun (clearly). Why you have to strike me? Because…a multiple of reasons.

  1. You want to toughen my skin for something.
  2. I did complete and utter nonsense and your eye roll was so epic, I felt the consequences.

Psalm 41:5 – My enemies say terrible things about me: “When will he die, and when will his family name disappear?”

This is a serious heartbreaking moment. I don’t even have to imagine how David felt in this moment. PC, many times would attempt (and I say attempt because every tongue that rise against me, I will condemn) to curse me, my brothers. Told my Dad that he wouldn’t have children and grandchildren. Yeah, the irony of that statement to a man with grown children and grandchildren. But it is still harsh and painful to endure.

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