Notes Soli
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Psalm 4:8 – I fall asleep in peace the moment I lie down because you alone, O Lord, enable me to live securely.

Fuh true!! Fuh true!!

Psalm 6:6 – I am worn out from my groaning. My eyes flood my bed every night. I soak my couch with tears.

This is what I love about David. And why I believe he was a man after Yahweh’s own heart. There was no pretense with him. He told Yahweh everything; what bothered him, what he liked. He understood that as sovereign as Yahweh is, he wanted to hear from him and so he hid nothing. Even when he wished his enemies would just curl up and die.

Psalm 9:14 – so that I may recite your praises one by one in the gates of Zion and find joy in your salvation.

Huh. This is why Psalms is so long! David and other songwriters were attempting to recite all the reasons to praise Yahweh. An exercise in futility because there would be no end.

Psalm 12:1 – Help, O Lord. No godly person is left. Faithful people have vanished from among Adam’s descendants!

Sigh. I understand how David felt. I know that there are still good and faithful people in this world. But when you see the level of crime and corruption, it makes you weep and wonder where all the good have gone.

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