Notes Soli
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Psalm 117 -Praise the Lord, all you nations! Praise him, all you people of the world! His mercy toward us is powerful. The Lord’s faithfulness endures forever.

There was an awesome choir that sang this son. But I can’t find the version. The only thing with this one, I definitely remember how it went.

Psalm 118:11 – They surrounded me. Yes, they surrounded me, but armed with the name of the Lord, I defeated them.

The very name of the Lord is a strong tower! Even though surrounded just his name alone will cause them to fall.

Psalm 119:36 – Direct my heart toward your written instructions rather than getting rich in underhanded ways.

When we read, study and keep Yahweh’s words in our hearts we become rich. Truthfully, the world only applies this to money, but Yahweh applies this to wisdom, authority and wealth. With Yahweh he does more than we think. (Isaiah 33:6 – Riches of Salvation).

Psalm 119:71 – It was good that I had to suffer in order to learn your laws.

Because of what he went through, David learnt about Yahweh and what he desired of him. He did not enjoy the suffering, but it was good in the end. What determines if something is good for us? What is produced when all is said and done. Someone becoming paralysed isn’t “good,” but if it brings them into a deeper relationship with Yahweh then it is good. I firmly believe that Yahweh prefers us to come in missing limbs that not come in at all (and yes the Bible tells me so. Lol)

Psalm 119:150-151 – Those who carry out plots against me are near, yet they are far away from your teachings. You are near, O Lord, and all your commandments are reliable.

What happens when we write Yahweh’s words in our hearts? He is near. He surrounds us, so that even though the enemy is “near,” they cannot harm us because they are actually very far. Far from Yahweh’s teachings. Yahweh becomes the most awesome buffer zone.

Psalm 119:176 – I have wandered away like a lost lamb. Search for me, because I have never forgotten your commandments.

Guide me on your way. I didn’t choose to go wrong. I may have misinterpreted something and it sent me down a rabbit hole, but I still remember your words. So Yahweh, don’t let me go far form you. Find me and bring me back because it wasn’t intentional.

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