Notes Soli
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Psalm 90:15 – Make us rejoice for as many days as you have made us suffer, for as many years as we have experienced evil.

Is it wrong of me to want to change this to – make us rejoice twice as many days? I don’t want a half and half life. I want a mostly rejoicing life. But I know that it’s not up to me.

Psalm 91:15 – (A Personal Transliteration) When I call to you, you will answer me. You will be with me when I are in trouble. You will save me and honour me.

Transliteration: is the process of transferring a word from the alphabet of one language to another. Though in this case, the “you” and “me” were switched.

Psalm 105:19 – The Lord’s promise tested him through fiery trials until his prediction came true.

Joseph, who was out through fiery trials. He went through years of testing before the promise was fulfilled. Transformation is never easy. Yahweh, help me to focus on you.

Psalm 105:43 – He brought his people out with joy, his chosen ones with a song of joy.

O Happy Day!! We will be brought out with joy. After he has tested our character and been proven true. He won’t leave us there suffering.

Psalm 106:24 – They refused to enter the pleasant land. They did not believe what he said.

Yahweh, I pray that when you bring me to the pleasant land that I will not be afraid to enter. That I will believe. I pray also for your daughters that they too would believe.

Psalm 115:12 – The Lord, who is always thinking about us, will bless us. He will bless the descendants of Israel. He will bless the descendants of Aaron.

Always thinking of us. Wow. Not gonna lie, if I’m always thinking of someone, I feel stalkerish in my mind. But that’s not what is happening here. Yahweh despite the million and ten things he has to do, he is always  thinking of us


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